Bogus Reinstatement...

by sammielee24 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    ..okay..would this work?????

    Here's the story.

    I was df'd over a year ago. I was raised in the truth and was an Elder for 23 years. My entire family are JW's. I've thought of a lot of ways to try and show my family what the truth really is (and it's not the Society!) but as you all know, it is a long, hard road and although for some it is not important, to me it is. I originally thought that I could go back to attending the meetings, get reinstated so I could once again get speaking privileges with my family and then 'move' from my geographical location and fade entirely. In this way, my reinstatement would bring about the communication that I need to make the changes and my fade means that I would be able to do this without stepping another foot inside a KH. I started out on this path until I sat through another Sunday meeting a few weeks ago and then got up during the Watchtower session and left. Can't stomach all the BS anymore. Since then I've been trying to figure out a way to achieve this goal and I might have it.............

    The WT corrupts and the name of theocratic warfare...couldn't I?

    Does anyone know of a bogus congregation? I can draft my letter of request for reinstatement if I have a bogus Elder who would send it for me. My imaginary friend might have to take a call from them, but that's doubtful..they just have to send a letter to them with the request. Anyone think this could work????? I mean, lets think about it!!!!!....let's have our own virtual congregation, complete with Elders and get whoever wants to be paper reinstated - in - play the about it????

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Are you suggesting that the boys in the service department DON"T KNOW or have access to a list of all the REAL congregations in the world and an up-to-date "who's who" for each congregation?

    It seems to me that this is as likely of success as showing up in Washington DC and claiming that you're the new Senator from the great state of MISSIANGELES.

    A better strategy is to never under-estimate your enemy.

  • Namasti

    I have thought about this many times--to just endure the meetings--get reinstated so as to speak with me family again and be there to help others that are confused and want out, but there's no easy way to do this, I think. Is it still about 6 months. Maybe you can write a letter of request after a couple of months. I think it might be worth the sacrifice for someone in your situation with so many family members. Let me know what you decide.


  • LuckyNun

    it would never work. they are too connected. I once thought of moving away and joining a new congregation and just telling them I was interested so they wouldn't do a congregation check. then I found out they even do checks on interested ones, if they've moved from another area. the JW world is just too small. there's a high risk of running into someone who knows you or knows someone who lived where you would claim to be from.

    I don't think getting reinstated for a short time is worth doing your own version of the Witness Protection Program (ha!). too many details to remember, and if you couldn't handle one meeting, what makes you think you could handle several encounters with your family where you'd have to pretend to be a JW? and then you've got to fade again. even if you move away, the elders are going to notify the congregation where you're moving, and if you refuse to tell them where you're moving, they'll know something's up.

    the religion (I've been away long enough to not automatically say 'the truth') is full of lies, supports liars, and is full of people who suffer from constant dissonance because they must make themselves believe in JW dogma, even when all around them evidence points to the contrary. why not do yourself a favor and not resort to an enormous tangle of lies to accomplish your goal? take the high road.

  • kwintestal

    I think it could be done the same way as is discussed in this thread:


  • sammielee24

    ..thanks for all your messages...

    Unless I'm mistaken, in all the time that I was an Elder, it isn't the GB that reinstates you, its the original congregation. All we did was mark it on the df'd card and send notice to the GB and then put the documents in the 'dead' files. Once the person was reinstated, we simply marked it as such and notified the GB. We did NO background check nor did we say where the new congregation was. In addtion, the GB was notified AFTER we made the decision to reinstate the person.

    As for 'why' play the game...because we all take different paths to get to where we need be and although different or maybe longer and with more obstacles in the way, this is the one that I feel I have to use.

    I do not have the faith any longer so I can't sit in a meeting and be part of something so wrong again. I also have an elderly mother and siblings who I want to discuss the real truth with. I come from a family of lifers and most men in the family are Elders, so there is NO chatting with me unless I'm reinstated. Only then will the lines of communication open enough to introduce the topics that they need to think about.

  • Satanus


    There is a xbethelite who has done what you are suggesting for a bunch of guys. Here he tells about it:

    Just don't pay him to much


  • sammielee24

    Thanks Satanus...have read the info ....caring is

  • Legolas
    Does anyone know of a bogus congregation?

    Everyone of them!!!!........Sorry just a bit upset tonight...

    Welcome to the board!

  • Ticker
    In this way, my reinstatement would bring about the communication that I need to make the changes and my fade means that I would be able to do this without stepping another foot inside a KH.

    You may gain your family hopefully in this way, but remember that even faded ones are treated much the same as disfellowshiped ones. You will find that most in the congregation will not utter a word to you or even look your way if you are not a regular attender. Hopefully your family will not follow this same procedure. Just a word of advice from my experience.


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