I can understand when you say you have to find your own way. I respect that. But, I, like the others here know that you are setting yourself up for a lot of hurt and disappointment. In all honesty, do you really think your relatives will even hear you out? They will be on to you in a blink of an eye as what you are saying to them does not have "the ring of truth". Shunning a human being - even a dog - takes its toll psychologically. It is like a mental solitary confinement. Being an elder, were you on the judicial committee? If so, maybe you could visit those that you had a part in DF. Those perhaps that had extenuating circumstances; those that you knew in your heart did not deserve such harsh punishment for the "crime". I'm sure you know in your heart and mind who some of these individuals are. I think your time would be better spent helping those. As for your relatives, they are taught as you well know that you are worse than the worst in the world. Don't continue to beat yourself up; let it go!! Also, when you are reinstated there are those that will never talk to you again. You are forever "bad" to them. I guess it makes them feel superior? I hope you find your place in a SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP with Jehovah. " Let God be found true though every man a liar". With all sincerity, Juni
Bogus Reinstatement...
by sammielee24 13 Replies latest jw friends
Fake your name, feign your location and lie, lie, lie. Don't even let them see your real driver's license.
Thanks all....I have accepted that I won't change everyone's point of view but I can't sit back and not try..I sat through one of the Sunday talks about a month ago (the day I walked out for good) and the talk was about the act of lying. How wrong it is and so on. Well, as we all know, lying, as far as the Society teaches, is NOT wrong when it is considered as part of theocratic warfare, so I guess I feel that if this is the game that they want to play, then why not play it? I'm not setting myself for any disappointment because nothing can ever match the pain and disappointment that I felt when I realized that I had just spent my entire life adhering to the whims of a body of men who were never inspired by anything. I gave up my education, goals, youth, friends and family for an organization that I believed in to the exclusion of all else and to have to come to the grips that I was decieved for so long and so easily, was hard hitting at the very least. I however, don't feel bitter - I just want to find a level playing field where I can do the most good. At this point, I see that as being in my own family. I see it as a challenge and an opportunity to assist and/or enact change....I have kicked myself already for my part in any of the destruction that I might have played a part in regarding any persons life by virtue of my past position - I don't intend to kick myself again for not using what I know now to help my family...
Maybe have JT write a letter asking for you publisher information as if you have started attending meetings at one of the local congregations... then about six months later have another letter sent that says you have been reinstated.