Of course they do their normal song and dance about spiritual help being more important, but still they do come out and state "consult with a competent health professional".
by rebel8 16 Replies latest watchtower medical
Of course they do their normal song and dance about spiritual help being more important, but still they do come out and state "consult with a competent health professional".
Of course they do their normal song and dance about spiritual help being more important, but still they do come out and state "consult with a competent health professional".
It's apparent from the order of listing "What Can Be Done?" that the person who believes they may be suffering from PTSD should only consider the "suggestion" of "consult[ing] with a competent health professional" after the other "suggestions" have failed to work. They still instruct "suggest" first and foremost:
Strive to maintain a spiritual program. "I always attended the meetings at our local Kingdom Hall," explains Jane. "Even when I could not concentrate on what was being said, I knew that that was where Jehovah God wanted me to be. Those in the congregation were extremely loving and upbuilding, and the love and personal interest shown meant a great deal to me throughout the whole ordeal." Jane adds: "It also helped me when I read the psalms. Somehow the prayers of afflicted ones seemed to speak for me. When I couldn't say what I wanted to in prayer, I could just say 'Amen.'"
Keep the WTS's statistics for meeting attendance and field service a priority. Make sure your butt is parked in a chair no matter how lousy you feel. Bonus if people treat you nicely. Suck it up and read the Bible (as opposed to books that teach you about your condition and help you cope with it) if they don't.
Don't hold back from encouraging the sufferer. If you have a loved one dealing with the horrible memory of some traumatic event, understand that he or she is not overreacting or deliberately being difficult. Because of emotional numbness, anxiety, or anger, he or she may not be able to respond as you would wish to the efforts you are making to be supportive. But don't give up! As the Bible says, "a true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress."—Proverbs 17:17.
That's right people! You make sure you give them a pat on the back for going to meetings and door-to-door and Maintaining The Program Of Spiritual Activity™. That's how you show them support. Keep your conversations focussed on Spiritual Things™ so you don't have to deal with uncomfortable emotions that the person may be dealing with, which may or may not include fighting the urge to kill themselves.
The sufferer needs to recognize and avoid unwise coping strategies that cause further harm. These include use of illicit drugs and overindulgence in alcoholic beverages. Although alcohol and drugs may give promise of temporary relief, they soon make matters worse. They usually contribute to social isolation, rejection of the people who want to help, workaholism, uncontrolled anger, uncontrolled or overcontrolled eating, or other self-destructive behavior.
Yeah, don't get involved in Unwise Coping Strategies™, because the Elders™ will show you this article and say "Look, you were told not to do this kind of thing by the WTS as a way of coping with your PTSD. Since you obviously can't follow this simple instruction Suggestion™, we have no choice but to Disfellowship™ you." That's how they "contribute to social isolation". Interesting that they used three forms of the word "control" in that paragraph. Obviously, they think appropriate Self-Control™ is the only thing required in Avoid[ing] Unwise Coping Strategies™.
Consult with a competent health professional. It may turn out that the sufferer doesn't have PTSD, but if he or she does, effective therapies exist. If you are receiving professional help, be honest with that person and ask for help to overcome any of the above behaviors.
Yes, make sure you go to the Competent Health Professional™ to rule out PTSD and justify our treating you like crap. "Be honest with that person" only to the extent for "ask[ing] for help to overcome any of the above behaviors," i.e., Unwise Coping Strategies™. Leave out the part that you belong to a cult that would love nothing more than to control every waking minute of your life, your thoughts and emotions. Obviously, if you really have PTSD and aren't just faking it, we aren't able to do that anymore, so hurry up and get yourself fixed.
These articles make me want to puke.
And this is the written advice, which seems is often for legal purposes. See? We tell our people to get professional help, is it our fault if they choose not to? The real party line is what you hear in the talks and what instruction the elders get from Bethel.
Of course, I haven't been to a meeting in so long now, that I have no idea what they are saying from the platform about this subject. Maybe in this case the verbage matches the printed material?
It may turn out that the sufferer doesn't have PTSD,
I noticed they said that, although earlier in the article they quoted an expert as saying that 94% of rape victims have the symptoms within a week of the rape. So I guess the 6% that don't are all JWs. I wonder how many times the elders are telling the victims that their PTSD is evidence they haven't forgiven their attacker as the bible requires. <more eye rolls>
We all know they are printing this just to make it look as though they are not discouraging therapy. We all know what they really say from the platforms and in the back rooms. Funny this is appearing so soon after the most recent Silent Lambs campaign.
I am busy putting up Silent Lambs stuff wherever I can. They've got these nifty business card size bulletins on their web site. I keep them in my purse and put them up on bulletin boards. If anyone sees me, they just think I'm posting my business card. I have my own cult awareness cards too that I mix in. I tack a stack up on bulletin boards so people can take one.
PTSD = Post Tower Stress Disorder.
We've all got it.
This is great news!!!
I told you all they're evolving, didn't I?!
As times passes by they'll become more and more reformed. Great!!!
That is the written rule for public consumption.
In reality, behind the scenes, elders and elder bodies strongly discourage the rank and file from getting professional help. My husband once convinced a sister to get help only to have 2 other elders go to her afterwards and tell her not to, that it would bring reproach on the congregation.
That is the written rule for public consumption.
That's my concern too.
This is so unreal.
They do not want to risk having their ass sued off