Terrorist backlash - and so it starts

by katiekitten 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sith

    The real tragedy is that when Saddam Husain was murdering and raping tens of thousands of Iraqis, nobody gave a damn or lifted a finger to stop him.

  • katiekitten

    But as soon as half a dozen people die in our country we squeal like stuck pigs.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Katie, you and your mum should be proud of what she did - she's done her little bit to help her neighbours not to feel so isolated.

    The thing that annoys me about idiot racists like that guy is that they won't hesitate to do their shopping there if there's no alternative, say late at night when the supermarkets are shut!

    But do they listen to me???
    If only ONE of your students takes the message on board, it has been worth it - so keep on pushing that message, good on ya!!
  • roybatty
    We bombed the bee-jesus out of their country, masses of civilian casualties ... opened up their land to terrorist-types from all over, itching to perform unsavory acts on any and all .... Now we read daily 10s, 20s, 30s, etc and more killed by bombs and such ...

    who do you think looks the bigger terrorist in their eyes?? we (US) have had .. what ? 1700 - 1800 casualties? Iraq has had what?? 100,000 casualties?

    I also heard reported that there have already been more than 100 backlash attacks in UK since the initial bombings.

    Instead of painting us again as the bad guy, why not give the people of Iraq credit to think for themselves? Don't you believe that they have enough smarts to figure out who's the bad guy when they witness for themselves a suicide bomber blowing himself up and killing innocent children?

    Right after 9/11, don't you think the people of Iraq and other Muslim nations were just waiting for mosques in the U.S. to be burned to the ground or at least read about Muslims being beaten or killed? None of that happened. You'd be hard-pressed to find any news stories about Muslims being beaten or abused like they are now in London. Don't you think Muslims around the world spoke with their friends and relaitves back in the U.S. and were surprised to learn nothing like that happened in the U.S.?

    Give the people of Iraq a little more credit and know that they are just as smart as you and I.

  • bisous


    I'm not painting us as the bad guy. We ARE the bad guy. Our government and military have done a fine job in creating that reality, they certainly don't need me to paint anything.

    It isn't about Iraqis thinking for themselves. Of course they abhor the suicide bombers. I'm certain a large percentage of them abhor who allowed them to come, and who appears incapable of stopping them once the door was opened.

    You'd be hard-pressed to find any news stories about Muslims being beaten or abused like they are now in London.

    The Washington Post differs with your statement:


    Many of these crimes don't receive widespread coverage because the media is basically controlled by the same idiots who run our country currently.

    You may choose to be a war apologist. I do not.

  • Elsewhere
    The real tragedy is that when Saddam Husain was murdering and raping tens of thousands of Iraqis, nobody gave a damn or lifted a finger to stop him.

    In terrorism, the winner is the one who is the most brutal. It would seem that there were no terrorists in Iraq under Saddam because Saddam was more brutal than the terrorists.

  • roybatty

    It isn't about Iraqis thinking for themselves. Of course they abhor the suicide bombers. I'm certain a large percentage of them abhor who allowed them to come, and who appears incapable of stopping them once the door was opened.

    Ironic that almost all of these suicide bombers aren't from Iraq. Of course, no country likes being occupied but I believe that the people of Iraq know who the real enemy is and who is and who isn't killing their children.

    You'd be hard-pressed to find any news stories about Muslims being beaten or abused like they are now in London.

    The Washington Post differs with your statement:


    Many of these crimes don't receive widespread coverage because the media is basically controlled by the same idiots who run our country currently.

    Let's see, who created this report....."He said the Council on American-Islamic Relations received about 1,900 complaints of alleged abuses last year and found it could substantiate 1,522 of them."

    And what did the FBI find (as noted in the same report) "The FBI has not yet published statistics on hate crimes for 2004, but tallied 149 such incidents allegedly targeted at American Muslims in 2003. It had many more reports of hate crimes against Jews that year -- 927."
    But I guess you'd probably say that the FBI is monkeying around with the numbers because their also controlled by the Bush administration.

    You and I don't even need to look at these news reports, just tell me what you observed in your area right after 911. How many Muslim families had their homes vandalized or their shops burned down? Here in the Chicago-land area we have a large Muslim community. After 911, you could almost feel it in the air, the news channels just waiting for some huge anti-Muslim backlash. It didn't happen. Nothing. FINALLY there was a story. In one of the suburbs of Chicago a rock was thrown through the window of a local mosque. The news stations swooped down on it like vultures on a dead animal. It was the lead story on every station. Muslims were outraged and braced themselves for this huge wave of anti-muslim hate. Well, a couple of days later the police caught the guilty party. It was a couple of teenagers who threw the rock as they were walking by. They weren't expressing any anti-muslim feelings, instead they were just being stupid.

    My point is, the way we as Americans reacted (or didn't react) to 911 is IMO differnt then the reaction of most europeans. Look at the Dutch reaction to the murder of Van Gough, the London bombings, anti-muslim laws in France, etc. I'm just tired of being told that Americans are anti-Muslim when we showed restraint after 911, whereas western europe has reacted differntly toward the muslim communities living inside their borders.

    War is always horrible and history will tell us if it was the right decision or not. However, I believe the people of Iraq are smart enough to know how Americans feel about muslims. They observed our character (which I'm proud of) in the post-911 America.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    that really sucks. people who do stuff like that are terrorists too. after all, it's about fear, vendetta, hatred and ignorance, right? people actually die at the hands of these jack ass types, and have all down through time. terrorism comes in all forms. and that muslim family has been terrorized. they probably feel their lives are in danger now, just as much as other londoners, if not more, because they are geting it from both ends: the muslim terrorists and the english ones.

    your mom is a good person, me thinks.


  • greendawn

    It will be hard to stomach that fact that some British born Moslems are so hostile to their own country and willing to turn against her it makes one feel that they are not really assimilating into Western culture, they remain an alien body.

  • katiekitten

    With respect Greendawn how many british immigrants historically have assimilated into the culture of the country they moved to? They didnt assimilate SO MUCH theres a name for them 'Ex -Pats'. All sat around in british clubs, drinking G&T's, never learning the language. There are whole communities of Brits living in Spain who dont speak a word of Spanish (yes, I know, there are those that do learn Spanish too)

    I hardly think, given the history of the empire we can now point the finger, and say 'oh youre not wearing our clothes, you still have your mosques, and you only mix with your own'. Isnt that just human nature?

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