A Good Escape Plan.

by Daunt 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Daunt

    I'm planning on moving out from my JW parents house in about 7 months. I'm trying to start a job and I already have a little money going into it (bout 2500 dollars little) however, mainly I just wanted to really know if this was the best course of action. My parents are the usual JW's but I do love them, however, the pressure is just building up from all their JW reasoning and pressure and guilt trips and all that mess. So I was just wondering if anybody else may have been in this situation, and how they went through this. I know it's going to be hard but I'm still pretty unexperienced about "This system of things" (never really got that line) but I know my limits.

  • damselfly

    Hi Daunt! I moved out when I was 18, across the country. It was very hard to be on my 'own' but definitely worth it. The regret that I had was not going to school. I decided to work instead, which I wish I had done differently. I don't know if you're planning a fade or not. Maybe your parents will take the news that you are moving out better if the reason is an education? Keep us all posted.


    edit for spelling.... again

  • kwintestal

    I'd say your best plan is to go to college and get an education. There, you'll have no problem meeting people your age, as most there won't know anyone at the college as well.


  • kwintestal

    Hehe, me and Ms. Fly are on the same page!


  • Daunt

    My parents will not support me in anything unless I'm on the bandwagon to be a JW. I'm planning to move in with a bud for a year and save up money along the way then go to this school in california for art. Very good school. And over the next few years I'm planning to just work with the art for money and enjoy life until I can afford a University college and possibly take psychology or something along those lines.

  • damselfly

    Good to know that you are planning for your education. Take caution with your debt load on the way there. You don't want to worry about making your credit card payments, car loans, insurance etc...... Also good to have a buddy as a room mate, especially if they already know about your JW upbringing.


  • damselfly

    Hehe, me and Ms. Fly are on the same page!

    That's because we are wicked awesome!


  • EvilForce

    Good plan Daunt. Try and keep your spending to an absolute minimum...save as much as you can. Work your butt off. Become the best NON JW you can be. That is the way to show them.
    I escaped by going off to college and moving several hours away. Moving into a security apt. was another good step. The elders could never "pop" over without my consent. If that isn't an option you can set up a PO box at the post office to pick up your mail. Good luck!

  • Daunt

    Ah well I never got baptised so I'm not under those kinds of elder visits. And if they do I'll just tell them to piss off, they have no more control over me than the next person. And about the spending thing, I've always grown up living in lower middle class conditions, I'm use too surviving.

  • Carmel

    Good plan Daunt!

    I worked my way through community college then on to university. Came out with a degree and no debt. It was several years before I went back for graduate degree, but by then, I had more scholarships than I could spend. Working hard and focusing will pay dividends down the road far beyond those of goofing off and borrowing money for school.

    I wish you well!



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