Well, I guess I could call myself Christian.....sort of. Actually I prefer to think of myself as more spiritual than religious. I'm enjoying the exploration of various paths, and don't really feel I classify myself at this point in time.
How many christian on this db
by gumby 58 Replies latest jw friends
Well...I guess you ask a question here and you get honest answers! That's good. I myself left about 6 years ago and was raised a dub from birth.I still have my wife,daughter with two kids, two sisters, my mom, all my moms side still in.Myself and two younger sisters are the only ones out.
My question was because I was wondering if many left christianity after meeting others who left, were influenced of the truthfulness of the bible, and found it came up short.Let me in on why I shouldn't believe. I know of many reasons many feel the way they do...suffering of humanity and God not stopping it etc.
What are other solid reasons you could share.I'm all ears -
The term "Christian" has come to be identifed with unrelenting bloodshed and strife, it means a religion without morals, business without ethics and an un believeable ability to rationalize hatred, and even murder all in the name of God.
That is one reason why I choose to not to join any religion. People can be Christains or believers without buying membership into of any group or church or religion. Being a believer is not a religion for some of us.
somebody -
Is it just me or does it seem to the rest of you that there are more ex-jw's going directly to non-belief in any type of god or supreme being than those leaving other religions?
chappy -
Is it just me or does it seem to the rest of you that there are more ex-jw's going directly to non-belief in any type of god or supreme being than those leaving other religions?
So then, did you non-believers really check out thoroughly as to WHY you have now rejected the bible.....or was it simply anger of being let down by the witness faith?
Wow, Gumblitz, that was one swift reply.
Gumby,At this time in life and with information I've read, I believe the bible has come up short if we take it as absolutely infallible or even the WORD of God.
However, I do believe that the bible tells a story of the beginnings of group of people. Some of it may be truthful, but most is just a story on how these people saw themselves.
As far as the christian scriptures go, I lean toward believing that their was a person living at the time of Jesus whom the scriptures are built upon. I can't say I believe everything it says he did and I think the salvation issue just isn't even logical.
Since I'm writing from memory here I can tell you that books on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hammadi Library, history of Catholic Church, Buddist and Tebettan religion have significantly influenced how I view God and the bible.
I still believe in God and Jesus, just not in the christian way. Oh and for about 6mths after leaving JW's I did attend the First Baptist Church. I felt it was very similar to the witness way in that it is still a condemning religion(hell). My parents might be witnesses, but I don't think they are destined for HELL just because they aren't BAPTIST. Plus my little girl was already starting to get indoctrinated and I want them growing up embrassing all people and being interested in all beliefs so they can come to a reasonable conclusion about who God is in their own life.
I still believe in God and Jesus, just not in the christian way.
LOL!! I get your point, but this just made me think "I believe in Allah and Mohammed, just not in the Islamic way". Eh?
Wow, Gumblitz, that was one swift reply.
Narkster, I see you caught that right away......ya sly guy you! This was a thread that never went far enough for me....so I'm giving it another shotMoanzy(something about that name)...you sound much like myself....except I'm not sold yet on the fact that Jesus walked the earth as spoken of in the scriptures(even if he wasn't gods son) If I remember correctly, it was this thread of mine that began my search into the validity of gods word the bible. Gee, that was only 5 years ago! Gumby
Big Tex
Not to pull a Clinton, but how do you define "Christian"?
By that I mean, does one have to belong to a christian religion? Regularly attend church?
Or is the question broader and about embracing Christian thought and philosphy?
I used to identify myself as a Christian until I got grilled about whether I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior, asked God to forgive my sins, etc. Not belonging to anything where I have to listen and obey another man or woman's rules again. I'll stand or fall on my own.
My own poor opinion is I think Chrisianity is inclusive, rather than exclusive. I think one point Jesus was making was in looking for ways to include people rather than setting up rules and narrow defintions to exclude those who disagreed.