What Temperature Do You Have Your A/C Set At?

by the_classicist 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • not the administrator
    not the administrator

    60 unless my girlfriend turns it up. we have a deal if shes cold she can turn it up if im hot i can turn it down no fighting over it the laziest person suffers. $187 was my last bill.

  • wanderlustguy

    All the way down...all the way...cold, really cold...with the fan on...two fans...

  • Carol

    I keep mine at 78 (F), my average electric bill for my 1650 sq ft. home is $145.00 a month (includes a/c, cooking, hot water and clothes dryer). The air conditioner does not make the air colder, it pulls the humidity out of the air, so the only thing that happens when it's set really low is the evaporater coil freezes.

    The weatherman told us tonight, that the temp was going to go up, so we'll be experiencing severe condiitons just like the Southwest has been experiencing. So far it's only been getting to the mid 90's here Florida. However, I'll take the heat as opposed to the hurricanes!

  • whyamihere

    I am really weird. Summer time hot outside and ice cold in the house. I want it like 65 or below.

    Winter time cold outside warm (not hot) in the house but ice cold in my room.

    I love a ice cold pillow


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    71 F.

  • delilah

    ICE COLD.....FRIGID....


  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Wow...I must be spoiled, some of you talking about thermostat settings of 75, 78, and that one that said 25 C I think thats about 80 cause 20 = 70 if I remember right...sheesh, I couldn't take that. Mine is on about 69 or 70.

  • stillajwexelder

    75 - any lower and my utility bills would be horrendous

  • kls

    Mine is set at 73 and that makes it really cold in here so i go outside to get warmed up then come back in to cool off.

  • Legolas

    Our AC is new........I know I am going to cry my ass off when we get our light bill!!!

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