Ok I got a question for everyone....When was the last time GOD had dealings with mankind either through dreams or prophets etc... before Jesus came? And how long before that etc...?
When Did GOD Last 'Talk' To Us?
by Legolas 25 Replies latest jw friends
Umm hows about NEVER!
Ok cute I should have said " To those who believe"... I really want an answer according to the bible..because it's been nearly 2 thousand years now and REV. ends by saying I am coming soon........ so gee how soon is soon?
That's a good question and probly would get a very long boring answer from most . IMO --- what happened was that when the last apostle died off (around 90 CE the apostle john died) there became a huge apostasy in christianity and so christianity in it's acceptable form became nonexistant much like the jewish system . That was until the appointed times of the gentiles was completed and at that time the call to restore christianity happened . It's anybodies guess when that happened but my belief is sometime in the 20th century . I do believe we are living in the conclusion of this system of things myself but it's for you to decide who has the gift of prophesy which is a sign of the true believers .
I feel like giving a smart-aleck answer.
Joseph Smith and his magic seer-stones, the Urim and the Thummim.
The Charismatics are still at it:
When was the last time GOD had dealings with mankind either through dreams or prophets etc... before Jesus came? And how long before that etc...?
God has always communicated, through the Holy Spirit with those who believe Him. You asked for biblical references. Here are two that may touch your heart:
Hebrews 8:8-12 and 1 John 2:27
Others are:
Acts 2:38; 4:31; 10:44,45; 11:16
Romans 5:5; 14:17,18; 15:13
1 Co. 6:19; Eph. 1:13; 2 Tim. 1:13,14; 1 John 5:17
Contrary to the lie promoted by the apostate JW cult, the Holy Spirit is not limited to a specific number of believers or to a particular religion or denomination. -
I phoned him up for beer and wings tonight and never even got so much as a call back. I'm getting the feeling he doesn't like me. Or maybe he doesn't like beer and wings. I'll ask him out for burger's next time.
Next time I have toooooo many, I'll ask him on the great white telephone.
OK, in the spirit of the thread, I think God stopped becoming personally involved with human communication with Abe, after that he sent his secretarys, but I'll wait to be corrected.
Of coarse I'm not including Jesus in the list, thats not fair, he is God, or at least his designer 'partner'.
Revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle.
I assume you are asking in a Christocentric fashion, a world view I don't espouse. But since you asked, 1892!