Questions You Could NEVER Ask Your Elders

by minimus 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • riotgirlpeeps

    Minimus in my area it would be why did sister so and so not get reprimended for wearing that diaper on her head for a head covering?

    I'd love to ask why its ok for them to miss meetings for vacations or other things yet they emphasize and keep track of who attended what meeting and answered etc etc.

  • damselfly

    " Can you point out the child molestors to me?"

  • kwintestal

    Wanna play swords in the urinal?


  • minimus

    "Is it scripturally wrong that my wife uses her vibrator?"

  • upside/down
    Was it Odin (?) that sinned by allowing his seed to spill on the ground? I think that's your answer.

    Naw...Odin was a pagan god...

    Onan...on the other hand is who you refer see Onan was killed by J himself because he aimed for the chin and missed.

    Proof that "God" wants us to hit "the mark"...and not end up with our "seed" on the ground...

    u/d (of the Johnny Appleseed class)

  • damselfly

    Glad to help ya out U/D!

    Now I just need to scan my brain for an answer to the vibrator question..............there has got to be a loop hole somewhere.


  • upside/down

    Electronic phallus' are strictly forbidden...

    It's a waste of energy that could better be used in the FS...

    focus "sister" focus...

    u/d (of the spilling seed can be fun class)

  • damselfly

    This reminds of last Christmas at my boyfriends parents house. His mom gave me the book "Girl with a Pearl Earring". He asked me the title and I held it up for him to read. He yells across the room " Oh! girl with a pearl necklace! I remember you said you wanted that!" His brothers and I had tears rolling down our cheeks we were laughing so hard. Then his mom wanted to know what was so funny........ no one told her.


  • JH

    I'd love to ask this to an elder:

    "Were you ever deceived by the JW teachings" example, dates, expectations....

    I would also like to tell the elders that Sisters are just as capable as brothers, and sometimes more, why can't they have bigger responsibilities in the congregation.

    I would also ask: Is your JW conscienced sex life fulfilling?

  • minimus

    "How did YOU ever get appointed?"

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