JW baptism ............is it valid

by vitty 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    When I was baptized in 87, I didnt even think about the wording. I was pushed into it by my bible study "partner". I had a study for 2 years and thought if I got baptized I could get this woman off my back, wrong, she still wanted to study with me. I found my "united in worship " book and where I had it all underlined then , nothing, thats when i stopped my study.

    I got baptized for all the wrong reasons, self preservation for me and my children was uppermost, I never thought about the ransom and what it meant. Like most witnesses I surpose!!!!

  • Sassy

    I got baptized for the wrong reasons too... like all the other kids in the cong had and so it was expected of me..

  • heathen

    Yah I think the j-dub baptism is more about swearing some sort of oath to obey the WTBTS publishing corporation than anything else . The one baptism that I would discount as being a fraud is the catholic baptize the infants way of doing it . They believe they are absolving the original sin when it was in fact jesus christ who did that . We are only guilty of the sin we ourselves commit not for the past .

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