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My new mother-in-law is a truly lovely person. I am a bit baffled though by her use of intuition to make all kinds of decisions. Sometimes she claims "angel guides" have spoken to her. Other times she refers to "spirit guides" who have let her in on unknowable situations. She says she believes in Jesus, but also that he had a wife and kids on the side or something. I have ceased trying to reason with her using the scriptures.
My husband just shrugs and says he doesnt share her views and does not know what she is talking about.
She claims as a young child she had strong "gut feelings" about people and situations. She can tell if someone is a gods child or not she says. She feels all people and creatures have had past lives.
She will tell you who you were in your last life and before that.
Im tired of it. It all sounds absurd. We just put up with it and say nothing or sometimes laugh at the outrageous statements, then she kind of quiets down.
She doesnt read horoscopes or visit mediums or swing amulets over objects, none of that stuff.
Have any of you dealt with a relative who thinks they are in tune with the angels?
I am loathe to treat her like a looney bird. In many ways she is so astute and sharp and on the button about people.
I was just wondering what are your thoughts.
I love this woman.
Is it intuition, clairvoyence, or THE DEVIL?
by anewme 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'd wager that she has an overactive sub-concious. She doesn't recognize her own thought processes. Couple that with beliefs of an active, personality filled spirit world, and you have the makings a person who is highly functional, but also insane.
It's really quite common.
highly functional, but also insane.
Cheeze, is that what i have to do to be able to function?
Noone can prove that there are spirits and stuff like that. But, if they are there (i think they are), then they work through a person's subconscious. Most people keep a fairly tight lid on their subconscious, whereas some people have the trap door to it open. Some people learn how to keep it under control and can function, or even use it. Others lose it, schizophrenia, and need the help of medications. It's too bad when they go on and on about it.
Sounds a lot like a belief system known as Spiritualism. I kinda like it to be honest, even attended a Spiritualist church for a few months.
:But, if they are there (i think they are), then they work through a person's subconscious.
That's a rather definitive statement. What makes you believe this?
If you really love her, then stop judging her and accept her as she is. End of problem.
The mind is an extremely powerful tool. It continually weaves and creates an imitation personal-identity which incorporates a plethora of things which may include relationships with personal god(s), saints, angels, devils, dead relatives, aliens from space, etc.. Just realize that the self that the mind creates is not real or important, and allow people their drama and story.
The stories are not significant; however our kindness and presence with them is.
It may also be important to look and see what identity you are weaving.
What makes you believe this?
Because of observations of a couple of them. Also the many nde stories that i have read.
Yeah this does sound like a spiritualistic viewpoint or belief...i.e spirit guides or guardian angels etc; I dont know enough about it to comment constructively but I would try to get more of an understanding from speaking to her about it.
As far as the Debil is concerned well that is a different matter; the witnesses do tend to demonise everything that does not originate with the WTS...instead of perhaps being judgemental (not that i am suggesting you are) try educating yourself about her beliefs as mentioned above...you might learn something...if you do share it with us...its something I have always been interested in personally.
But, i have never heard from or seen my guardian angels or guides. Maybe i told them to take a long
hikefly off a shortpierplanet.S
Thankyou everyone who wrote in. I was so surprised by the comments about my mother in law.
You dont even know her personally but you were "guided" by your hearts to help me think of her kindly.
I am so new to thinking on my own w/o the borg.
This woman loves me so much. She and her son, my new husband, have been my only friends for 4 years now. They have showered me with more love than I ever felt from father, mother or siblings.
I suffer from so many held over programmed thoughts from the cult teachings and Bible Study.
I want to let go of all that. I want to be free to use my own head and heart in decision making.
Thankyou for your good counsel.
I'm just going to love her.
And I will ask her more about her beliefs.