Is it intuition, clairvoyence, or THE DEVIL?

by anewme 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BrendaCloutier

    I believe in a unseen realm. I catagorize myself as a mystic agnositc.

    However, you mom may have a form of schizophrenia or other mental illness. Or she may truly be an intuitive. I've also met some very honest gifted people, but they are very sane and don't blather on about it.

    My dad several years ago told me about a sister in the cong. that would come up to him after a talk or a part and tell him the angels told her they like my dad very much! My dad and others thought she was demonized! Can you believe that?!

    This was a little while after I explained to him that my alcohlism is nothing more than my body's inability to process alcohol normally, just as his body cannot process sugar normally (he's diabetic).

    Her non-JW family finally got her the medical help she needed and she was diagnose with schizophrenia. Once she was on medication, the angels went away. (I wonder if she missed them) He actually said to me something to the affect that there might be something to mental illness and alcoholism that they (WTS) just don't realize.

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