They've launched that beast once again. Who knew it went of with such a big bang?
OMG FLAMES... OMG!!! The SPACE SHUTTLE!!!! OMG... Turn on TV NOW!!!!!!
by SixofNine 22 Replies latest jw friends
lol, this kinda shit never gets old.
Shit, i missed it. Isn't that the fulfillment of something in theavestabook of sheldon?ZerosterSheldon is sure to come back anytime now.Edited cuz i forgot about our new god sheldon S
Sheldon be praised it's a miracle!
Damn it Six,
I turned on the tv and it's some dude on Larry King holding a 2 pound frog.
:I turned on the tv and it's some dude on Larry King holding a 2 pound frog.
Now see? It's all good. (they didn't put him in a blender did they?)
The launch was awesome. What a disply of man's technological achievements! May mankind always expand his horizons and never lose the inherent drive to discover.
I think the "we're going to mars" quote at launch was a bit comic.
It's like declaring you are driving round the world as you get in your reliant robin. c'mon, the shuttles are well past being "modern tech" !
Amazing! Whole populations being wiped out in the Congo, millions starving to death in the Sudan, children being sold into slavery all over the world, and we still have the balls to spend trillions on trying to get to Mars so we can revel in the marvels of our technology!
I'm blown away!
WOW space exploration is wonderful. Carl Sagan wrote all sorts of stuff about us being stardust (which is true if you think about it) and the marvelous eternity out there in space. I think the idea about Mars is to exploit it (mining). And military agendae are probably also involved.
Talesin, No matter how much $$$ you throw at the human issues it will never take care of the problems. There will always be those who steal funds, food, and medicine from those whom it is intended to help. And there are many innovative items which have come from NASA's engineers which benefit humankind. That space shield (heat shield) that looks like saran wrap, which was seen wrapped around the London surviving victims from July 7th bombing. Also treatment of diseases in 0 gravity and plenty of solar energy inventions that keep the batteries running in the satellites and telescopes etc.