Talesin, No matter how much $$$ you throw at the human issues it will never take care of the problems. There will always be those who steal funds, food, and medicine from those whom it is intended to help. And there are many innovative items which have come from NASA's engineers which benefit humankind. That space shield (heat shield) that looks like saran wrap, which was seen wrapped around the London surviving victims from July 7th bombing. Also treatment of diseases in 0 gravity and plenty of solar energy inventions that keep the batteries running in the satellites and telescopes etc.
I think that is a weak argument for justifying the space programme. All those things and many many more could have been developed if the money had been invested in such R&D. To get them as a spin-off is useful but poor value for money.
I don't see what going to Mars really accomplishes for us.
More should be done to improve the institutions on earth and to protect the eath itself ... why go looking for a new home when we have the best one already here?