Superstitious JW Nonsense

by 95stormfront 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas

    La la la la la LA la la la la la!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If I'm not mistaken. at the time someone got the hair up their ass that smurf meant "little demon" or something to that effect

    Is that why!!! LOL

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Ever since I can remember I have been troubled by night terrors, "screaming and arousal from sleep, with no memory of a frightening dream except perhaps a frightening image." I haven't had one for several years, almost coinciding with the timing of our leaving close association with JWs. When I first moved away from home at age 19, one of my roommates had a dream that something was trying to kill me. Coincidentally, I had a night terror on that same night. We had the elders visit us and they convinced us that we had invited a demon into our home. So we threw out a bunch of stuff - a picture given to my roommate from a street musician, an Earth, Wind, and Fire album (because the cover had an Egyption symbol on the cover), and a few other things (too long ago to remember). They prayed for us, counseled us to watch our association, blah, blah, blah...

    Rocky and I decided that the power of suggestion is extremely strong and the brainwashed JW mind is ripe to fester these demonic inspired ideas. BTW, my night terrors have decreased in number since leaving the WT organization and have not had one for at least 5 years.

  • lawrence

    GBL - Excellent!

    In my hall we had a couple of hippies, they got off the water pipe and decided to destroy their record collection, but couldn't, so they had the elders over and "successfully broke up Satan's music." The elders took on Pauline prowess and kicked butt, another became a demi-God. The hippie became an elder and later impregnated demi-God's daughter and the myth died with the DF announcements.

  • Ellie

    I heared all manner of spooky stories while growing up, I think my dad and older half sister realised that I was petrified and so if they told me enough ghost stories I would be too afraid to ever leave the org.

    One that sticks out is this:

    My sister reckons that while she was a teenager in the 70s she had a friend whos family moved into a new house, to begin with everything was fine but after a few weeks this friends dad went up into the attic to clear out all the old boxes left by the previous occupants, he came across an interesting looking chest and decided to open it, as he opened the lid he became aware of a change in atmosphere and a cold chill went through his body.

    After that the house became haunted, things would switch on and of by themselves, noises could be heared, figures seen, the usual stuff really.

    This bloke reckoned he could hear voices in his pillow and was seen by my sister carrying a box along the road, apparentely he was very protective towards the box, wouldn't let anybody touch it and then somehow it came about that my sister found out there was nothing actually in it.

    Anyway, the bloke ended up commiting suicide inside the house and the family moved.

    As a cynic now I dont believe this story to be true (unless the bloke was mentally ill), but at the age of aprox 7 it was pretty frightening.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i also heard stories of smurfs beating little JW kids up at night.

    which of course means: "daddy beat me, but i'm going to say the smurfs did it because i don't want daddy to get in trouble."

    and so, instead of really questioning where the bruses came from, like a good elder should, they had people burn their smurfs while little kids continued to be abused.

    damn stupid bastards

  • Legolas

    Ok, has anyone here ever had something unexpained happen to them or people they know who whould never lie to them??

  • daystar

    GBL, I heard the smurf story differently.

    A girl had her parents buy her a smurf doll. The first night she had it, she slept with it. When she awoke, her parents were horrifed that the girl had scratch marks, much like a cat's, all over her exposed skin. And there was blood on the smurf's little fingers.

  • Sith

    I've been out of the Borg for so long, I have forgotten a lot of the craziness. One thing I love about this board is the reminders I get of the sheer lunacy of the DUmB lifestyle.

    Tetra, sometimes you say the exact right thing

  • GetBusyLiving

    The Dub's are full of people that see floating cd cases, hidden calculators, re-arranged salt shakers, flickering lights at the memorial, cat's peeing in unusual places, cold draft's unexplainably seeping through houses.. ect. f*cking ECT.. what can you expect when people who are already pychologically weak are bombarded with stories of how the "Demons" are against them and will stop at nothing to freak them out and/or drag them out of "the truth". I feel embarassed for them.


  • GetBusyLiving

    daystar, I heard that exact story only the culprit was a Cabbage Patch Kid.


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