I did find this
Satanic rumors
During 1983 , rumors of the Smurfs' Satanic activities spread across Puerto Rico . Those who believed the theory claimed seeing Smurfs below plants in their houses, next to their beds, dressed as the devil, etc. As Telemundo Puerto Rico had just begun to telecast Smurfs programs that year, a possibility exists that a rival television channel started the rumors. The rumors spread like wildfire through the religiously conservative Latin America , where people went so far as to claim that small, demon-like Smurfs propagated through their recorded albums and attacked those who would play their music. This was very much in tune with the prevalent belief of the 1980s of satanic propagation through recorded music, as many rock bands made open references to satanism in their work. Shortly thereafter in the United States various conservative Christian groups also began to label the Smurfs as "Satanic" -- due to the positive light in which their activities portrayed the use of magic and of sorcery.Satanic rumors
During 1983, rumors of the Smurfs' Satanic activities spread across Puerto Rico. Those who believed the theory claimed seeing Smurfs below plants in their houses, next to their beds, dressed as the devil, etc. As Telemundo Puerto Rico had just begun to telecast Smurfs programs that year, a possibility exists that a rival television channel started the rumors.The rumors spread like wildfire through the religiously conservative Latin America, where people went so far as to claim that small, demon-like Smurfs propagated through their recorded albums and attacked those who would play their music. This was very much in tune with the prevalent belief of the 1980s of satanic propagation through recorded music, as many rock bands made open references to satanism in their work.
Shortly thereafter in the United States various conservative Christian groups also began to label the Smurfs as "Satanic" -- due to the positive light in which their activities portrayed the use of magic and of sorcery.