Superstitious JW Nonsense

by 95stormfront 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas

    I did find this

    Satanic rumors

    During 1983 , rumors of the Smurfs' Satanic activities spread across Puerto Rico . Those who believed the theory claimed seeing Smurfs below plants in their houses, next to their beds, dressed as the devil, etc. As Telemundo Puerto Rico had just begun to telecast Smurfs programs that year, a possibility exists that a rival television channel started the rumors.

    The rumors spread like wildfire through the religiously conservative Latin America , where people went so far as to claim that small, demon-like Smurfs propagated through their recorded albums and attacked those who would play their music. This was very much in tune with the prevalent belief of the 1980s of satanic propagation through recorded music, as many rock bands made open references to satanism in their work.

    Shortly thereafter in the United States various conservative Christian groups also began to label the Smurfs as "Satanic" -- due to the positive light in which their activities portrayed the use of magic and of sorcery.
    Satanic rumors

    During 1983, rumors of the Smurfs' Satanic activities spread across Puerto Rico. Those who believed the theory claimed seeing Smurfs below plants in their houses, next to their beds, dressed as the devil, etc. As Telemundo Puerto Rico had just begun to telecast Smurfs programs that year, a possibility exists that a rival television channel started the rumors.

    The rumors spread like wildfire through the religiously conservative Latin America, where people went so far as to claim that small, demon-like Smurfs propagated through their recorded albums and attacked those who would play their music. This was very much in tune with the prevalent belief of the 1980s of satanic propagation through recorded music, as many rock bands made open references to satanism in their work.

    Shortly thereafter in the United States various conservative Christian groups also began to label the Smurfs as "Satanic" -- due to the positive light in which their activities portrayed the use of magic and of sorcery.

  • melmoth

    "Ok, has anyone here ever had something unexpained happen to them or people they know who whould never lie to them??"
    Nothing 'demonic' but two similar stories:
    A close friend had a tire blow out or go flat while driving down a city street. Later that day he found out that a friend of his had died at (or around) that same time. Easily dismissed as coincidence, but I must admit tires don't fail very often these days - it wasn't as if he'd noticed in hindsight that 'the sun suddenly came out' or 'a bird flew by' or something more common.
    Different friend, similar story, but slightly harder to dismiss as nothing: My best friend awoke late one night to the phone ringing. When he answered it, there was nobody there (dial tone, rather than a call with nobody speaking). As one might normally do when being woken up in the middle of the night, he'd noticed the time. Later that day he learned that his cousin, who had been dying of cancer, had in fact died at nearly precisely the same time as the phone-call-that-wasn't. (Since he was hospitalized, with family around him, they were clear on the time.) My friend isn't superstitious, religious, or intrigued by the 'paranormal.' He assured me that his sense of the phone ringing was quite vivid and clear. (Yes, he asked whether anyone from the family had started to call him with the news but hung up when they noticed the time. They asssured him nobody had.)

  • Legolas

    I know of quit a few...There was one with my two sisters... Bruceyene(sister) was out with a friend who lived across the street from us they were at the drive-in and ALL night she had the feeling that someone was watching/following her, so when they got home she kept looking over her shoulder and run all the way into the her and I shared the same room, but I was a sleep, but to get to our room she had to pass our Debbie's(sister)room. Well the next day the Bruceyene got mad at Debbie for wearing her pants, and Debbie said "Well if you don't let me wear them I am going to tell mom and dad about the guy you brought into your bedroom last night."( I was standing there and heard mom was about 20 feet away so she didn't hear) Bruceyene BURSTED out crying here eyes out and thats when she told us all the story. Scared the sh*t out of me....

    I do have others as well.

  • daystar


    Holy crap!! As soon as you said it, I remembered that one too!

  • daystar

    I have to say that I can't really blame the JWs though. The only real reason this sort of thing propogated so well is the close association JWs tend to have with each other, spending so much time together at meetings, etc.

    People in general tend to spread urban legends like this just as frequently.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    My mother used to be the queen of endorsing all JW related urban legends.

    Stories of demons and demon-possessed items ran rampant. She liked the one about a "friend of a friend" (of course) who had accepted a rocking horse from her "devil worshipping" father-in-law. One day when she was in the basement ironing the familys' meeting clothes, the rocking horse's eyes began to roll around and it began to call out the name of her young son. Her elder hubby immediatly took the vile thing out into the yard and tried to burn it. It took over an hour to burn (why do they always take over an hour to burn?) and it screamed bloody murder the whole time it was being torched. As a young kid, this story terrified me.

    When I reached puberty, the legends changed to stories about what happed to people when they fornicated. For instance there was the one about the group of witnesses that were sitting in a Jacuzzi with a sister who had gotten drunk one night and ended up humping some worldy guy, but of course kept it secret, and everyone who sat in the hot tub with her came down with a raging case of syphillis.

    Or the one about the witness girl who went to a disco one night, ended up getting too drunk, (other versions say she was slipped a roofie) and woke up alone in a hotel room. When she went to the bathroom, scrawled on the mirror in lipstick was "welcome to the world of AIDS".

    It makes me wonder if these are actually started and circulated by the GB to scare JW's into submission?

  • Rubyvixen

    Wow. This is all taking me way back.

    My parents never let me watch the smurfs or have Cabbage Patch dolls and much of that was due to urban legend. Instead we had some sister in our hall make us 'fake' cabbage patch dolls which sucked....they were so not cool :(

    I remember all the tales of demons and my mother claiming that a lot of her Bible Study people's house were 'demonized' and she could feel it.

    Ya know, for people who are SO against such things (what ever happened to all that bunk about not even speaking of such things for fear the demons would suddenly perk up and rail against you?) they sure have a LOT of experiences with it. They are regular Buffy the Demon Catchers ;)

    Some of the stories I heard as a kid though were genuinely terrifying at the time. Whenever I slept over my cousin's house we used to tell each other 'demon' stories we had heard from various brothers and sisters like other normal kids would do with ghost stories.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Of course there's always the one about the Smurf that came to life in the hall and beat up a Cabbage Patch doll while a group of witness kids were in a hot tub getting syphllis because thier ride was held up with a flat tire and had a bird fly over and crap on him. It took over an hour to wash the poop off him!

    Scared me to death I tell ya!!!!


  • daystar
    Whenever I slept over my cousin's house we used to tell each other 'demon' stories we had heard from various brothers and sisters like other normal kids would do with ghost stories.

    Heh... yeah, like normal kids... I remember those stories as well.

  • lawrence

    Low key - love the stories!

    I remember #3, but it was a guy who had the lipstick scrawled on the mirror in the story I heard. He had been thinking about Bethel, and instead... (a roofie).

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