Thought you might like to read a letter that I myself sent to the WTBTS in Brooklyn, regarding the "Star of Bethlehem". Actually, that "star" is an irremovable part of the Christmas celebration. Therefore, if a person can see that the source of the "star" was of Satan rather than God (as is commonly believed), that fact alone argues against engaging in the Christmas celebration. Because why would anyone in their right mind wish to honor/glorify a "star" that was nothing more than a tool used by Satan in an attempt to overturn God's plan to salvage mankind out of death? ... doing so by trying to kill Jesus while only a boy, and therefore before Jesus could grow up and make his sacrifice willingly on his own? It is vital to understand the true source of the "star", because if one doesn't know then we likely will wind up being in awe of a "star" each December that was meant to destroy our chances for salvation ... as well as honoring something which Satan, who is our enemy, caused. THAT would be rather stupid to do, would you not agree? Not a trivial thing at all! Right?
Here's the letter:
December 29, 1999
Writing Department
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483
Dear Writers/Brothers:
A warm hello to all you there at Bethel -- a name which means “House of God,” and suggests that “Truly Jehovah is in this place.” -- Genesis 28:16-19.
My purpose in writing you is twofold. One is that I wanted to make known how glad I am to be the possessor of a bit of knowledge that became mine as a result of the Society’s publications. (Ro 1:12) The other is, with a sense of responsibility, that the members of my personal family, by having a copy of the comments contained herein, may be fortified with the facts regarding this vital truth.
At the time of the year just past, throughout the neighborhoods and commercial districts we see evidence of the benightedness that grips much of the world: Placed on the top of many Christmas trees, or displayed in some other manner, is the symbol of “the star” that Satan used in his attempt to thwart God’s purpose. (Mt 2:1-18) How happy we can be that we have had our thinking faculties stirred with the result being that we can discern that the real source of the mysterious star which captured the astrologers (“Magi,” NIV) attention was Satan, not God. Can anyone among us claim to have learned the truth on this subject from any other religious institution? Furthermore, how many of us ever would have learned it on our own had we never had contact with the organization that stressed its importance? The answer to both questions is: Likely, none at all!
But just how vital is the knowing of the source behind this star which has become a Christmas symbol? In observing the world’s practices, how so very sad and appalling it is to witness the fact that honor and admiration is actually given to that which was nothing less than a detestable tool of Satan. The so-called “Star of Bethlehem,” a tool which, had it been successful in accomplishing its intended goal -- namely, Jesus’ death while yet a child -- would have thus interfered with Jehovah’s means for the very salvation of man. (John 3:16) Thus, those who indulge in such practice are, though unknowingly, giving honor to what was a Satanic scheme which seriously threatened their (1 John 2:2) very prospect of living forever. How ghastly! Somewhat comparable to kissing the knife that would cut your throat. Certainly, no informed, right-minded person would wish to ascribe nobility to such evil “star.”
Unwittingly, the churches of Christendom help to obscure the truth regarding “the star.” An example of this is the recent appeal for financial support, seen on television’s Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). For a monetary offering viewers would be sent an ornament that was usable either as the centerpiece of a Christmas table or for decorating the tree. According to the advertisement, this ornament, which has the manger scene with the star overhead, “depicts the Star of Bethlehem keeping watch over the newborn Christ child.” Thus, the star is portrayed as having stood guard over the welfare of Jesus when in fact its purpose was to cause his premature death, the very opposite of the truth. -- 2 Corinthians 11:12-15.
Also, there are the lyrics of Christmas carols which present the star in a favorable light, thereby attributing what is good to that which in reality is bad (Isa 5:20), as seen in the following examples:
Holy Night: “So, led by light of a star sweetly gleaming.”
Silent Night: “Wondrous star, lend thy light!”
We Three Kings Of Orient Are: “O, star of wonder, star of
night, star of royal beauty bright.”
With you in honoring God, not Satan.
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