Hi Nelly
I'm in Halifax West Yorkshire. Where abouts in Kent?
by Stephanus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Nelly
I'm in Halifax West Yorkshire. Where abouts in Kent?
Oh, I know that removal is hard! I also know the authoritarian religious leader psyche - the type who says "Jump!" and expects "How high, Sir?" in return. They're being nice and tolerant towards you now - this is the part of cult conditioning called "love bombing". I'd just like to get some opinions of others, perhaps some of the ex-elders to get an idea of how this scenario might run, once you're safely in their clutches.
Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.
you dont seriously think theyre going to put you off
before youre hooked lolol
I also doubt you'll be asked to remove your tats
as time goes by you will willingly cover them
the change will be gradual and like I said painless.
Have you joined the jw db's yet?
I don't think she needs to worry. A pioneer sister in my hall got a tattoo (pioneer at the time). She continues to pioneer to this day and her husband is a ministerial servant. Elders found out about it, didn't matter to them. In fact, they wanted to use her on an assembly part, but an elder from another congregation made such a stink about it, the CO said she couldn't be on the assembly. That really pissed her off.
BTW, the MS husband is a past love interest/friend of one of my favorite posters, Joelbear.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
That's what I'm getting at - the parochial thing. Some KHs are more conservative than others, as evidenced by the stink the other elder kicked up. What is accepted and even smiled at as being eccentric in one hall may well be condemned in another. Any other experiences in this area, people?
Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.
If I recall correctly, there was an elder (PO? I forget) in my first congregation who had very extensive tattoos from some whispered-about past. The first I saw of the tattoos was some private (ie, non-congregational) get-together (details are fuzzy... I was only 11 or 12), which was when I realized I'd never seen him in short sleeves before. He always wore a long sleeved shirt and a suit jacket when doing anything witness related.
So yeah, I don't think the congregation TattooGrl is involved in will make her remove them, so long as she keeps them covered. But I think there may be pressure, subtle or otherwise, for her to change her attitudes about being proud of her beautiful pictures to being somewhat ashamed of the mistakes she made when she was "worldly".
Question: you mentioned earlier that some of your tattoos were dragons. Have you gotten any talk about dragons being bad creatures yet (vis a vis Revelation)? I would be surprised if someone wasn't shaking their head about this young lady with Satanic images all over her body...
So in light of this thread and the "ugly clothes" thread, I'll modify the original thrust and what I was trying to get at. TattooGrll, look around at the people in your KH. They may seem like a friendly bunch of eccentrics, but what is the message they're conveying to you? Is it likely that the more time you spend with them, the more subtle pressures will be brought to bear for you to be like them? After all, THEY are all like them! If you continue to do what they want in order for them to accept you, what do you think you will be wearing in, say, three years time? Long dark skirts, long-sleeved, high-necked tops and sensible shoes? As Tergiversator says, will your colourful, cheery tattoos which give you such joy now be a source of shame and regret?
I know I look like I'm just trying to bag the JWs and dig up any negative I can find. I suppose you've been warned that Satan's minions will do whatever they can to prevent you from joining "the Truth". What I'm doing is asking you to wonder if these "free" Bible studies you're doing with the Witnesses come with a hidden price tag, and if, at the end of the day you're willing to pay that price. If, after careful thought and consideration, with your eyes open and fully aware of what's being asked of you, you decide to continue with them, then so be it, and more power to you!
Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.
To the top - this is an important topic!
Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.
Up again!
Where are you TattooGrrl?
Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
A: Their lips are moving.
Steph you are too funny. Yeah maybe there is a hidden price maybe you all know something that I am just to naive to see. But really unless I see it for myself I will never learn. so today I will go to the study meeting blaring all tats and will post the reaction. If it is as you say although no one may make a comment I should be able to notice if they are uncomfortable with this. Infact I think I will speak to an elder about it. Might as well lay it all on the table. I'll keep ya informed.