Hi TattooGirl,
I was told my dresses were too short and I had too much of a tan one summer. I was actually taken to the back room by two elders so they could talk to me about it. I thought I had done something really bad when that happened. I tried to find a picture to show you how absurd it was, maybe later I'll post it if I find it. The worst dress (the one I was wearing that day) was maybe, at the most, 1 1/2 inches above the knee, but not skimpy or anything like that. It was much more modest than most women wear to the office, but it was a beautiful fuschia and I had a good tan... ;-)
My mother, who still attends, wears nice jewelry and happens to own quite a few different pieces, but doesn't wear it much anymore because some sisters act jealous and make comments like she's showing off and she doesn't want them to be stumbled so she's really careful now.
You'll change or you'll be treated differently. The women will be jealous and leave you out of parties and things, just you wait and see. Many of the women in the congregations have low self esteem and if you're good looking and have some "experience" in life they will feel very threatened by your existence.
Run, Run, while you can!
P.S. If you're thinking about settling down someday, take a good look at the men at your hall. Do you want to be limited in that way?
"Too much of a good thing, is wonderful."
Mae West