Ugly Clothes is it a rule???

by tattoogrl333 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • bboyneko

    Just another day out in field service

    Hey check out the movie pleasantsville sometime, it's just like the BORG mentality

  • Angharad

    I had a few comments, because I wore trousers to the meeting a few times, I was very very pregnant and I had a loose trouser suit which was about the only smart thing I was comfortable in, so I thought what the hell and wore it

  • Kismet


    I hadn't thought of the 'tie factor' but I was giving less and less thought to what might stumble others.

    One time still very clear in my head... we had the CO and DO visiting our hall. I took the school. After the meeting the DO, CO and PO asked to speak to me. I had worn a dark navy tie with teddy bears all over it. They thought it disrespectful to Jehovah. {shrug} (That PO was always looking for something to nitpick about.)

    they were highly embarrassed when I told them that it was a gift from a 12 year old girl in my bookstudy group. She had gone in or chemo treatments, I bought her a teddy bear to hold onto during the treatments. She and I were good buds already..since she was 7 she always tried to weasel her way into my car group.... any way after the treatments (successful thank gawd) she and her folks bought me the teddy bear tie. They always were so happy when they saw me actually wear it.

    As I told those nitpicking old farts, it reminds me of why I wanted to be an elder and of the more important things.

    Hypocrite CO starts telling it as an experience to other congregations, of course omitting the fact that he was against me wearing the tie at all.

    then started with a golf oriented tie, greenpeace Save the Animal series ties, a tigger tie.

    It is one of the good things about being in a city congregation... you can get away with a lot more than a rural Hall.

    The only time I remember speaking to a sister about changing her attire was a woman in her mid 20's that had some great business suits/skirt sets. Trouble was at teh bookstudy she always sat right in front of me on a fairly low couch. He skirt rode up her thighs and she ended up flashing me on a regular basis (unknowingly).

    I asked her to think about iether wearing something longer if she is going to sit in that location or thinking about sitting in one of the other chairs wear her skirt won't ride up as much.

    Not sure which one of us was more embarrassed. Thinking about it now, I should have just moved to another seat and kept my mouth shut.

    Kismet - in a babbling mood today..sorry for rambling

  • RedhorseWoman

    Ah, yes, the old dress code. I can remember being counseled for wearing a skirt that was several inches below my knees. When I sat down, however, it would ride up to mid-knee, or just above. That was a definite "no-no".

    Dowdy is always safe.

  • Andee

    Having not been to a meeting since I was a child I cannot comment on the current dress code in female JWs.

    However, about 10 years ago I supervised an office staff that included two JW women. One day they were having a very spirited conversation about another female member of their congregation. To this point I had never discussed my association with the JWs. Their conversation began to get very vicious. They were commenting on the womans hair and clothes. They got into how they were disgusted by her "obsession" with looking good and her constant showing off. I really can't remember the exact words, but I remember the nasty overall tone of the discussion. It was loud enough that I could hear it my office.

    I casually strolled out into the area where they worked and pretended like I needed to use the copy machine. They never even paused in their diatribe against the "offending" woman.

    When they "rested" for a moment (to catch their breath before the next tirade, I assume), I said something to affect of "I don't think I have ever heard two JW's go after one of their own in such an appalling and vicious manner. It's very unchristian like, don't you think? I wonder what Jehovah would think about it"?

    The looks on their faces were priceless. I swear they gasped! And that poor woman, that was the subject of their conversation, they probably did all they could to make her life miserable in the cong.


    "head in the clouds, feet planted firmly on the ground"

  • NameWithheld

    Oh and they'll get you with the "It's not loving to the bothers for the women to dress provocativly" - because it makes the poor brothers think about SEX!! Gasp. Wouldn't want to inflame the brothers passions like that, turn them into rabid sex-hungrey dogs ... O wait, that describes all men doesn't it? What a bunch of bunk.

  • MoeJoJoJo

    I remember when my sister was to give a talk one Thursday. She was wearing a skirt that was knee level. The school overseer asked her to either go home and change skirts or to switch skirts with my mom(who had on an ankle-length skirt).
    My sister was so humiliated, she kept wondering if anyone had noticed that she had changed skirts.
    That brother's daughter,who has now reached the teen years, wears skirts even shorter than what we wore.

    My mother feels that situation contributed to my sister falling out of the org.
    Nope-my little sis just had the brains to figure out what it took me a long time to see.

  • waiting

    Hey Larc!

    On Convention Clothing:

    In our area, "Convention clothing" is usually not the same as weekly meeting clothing. The single bros & sis. most likely are *shopping* and want to look good - and will pay for new clothes - even if they do look like 1950's or rednecks. And some look incredibly well dressed - and always do. Others, it's obvious it's new clothes, and unfamiliar.

    The married people want to look respectable, but comfortable. Thus, men in short sleeves, women in comfortable shoes. We did have a talk a couple of years back that women shouldn't wear bedroom slippers to the convention. I agreed with that one.

    I doubt if anybody is going to say anything to a person at the convention - particularily if the person doesn't have a nametag on (do they still wear those?). The reason - you might be a visitor and they don't want to scare you off.

    Things can be more relaxed at a convention- thus, talks on "not engaging in immorality after the Convention Day" are given every couple of years.


  • jayhawk1

    Hi Tatoogirl333,
    Don't worry, before long you will be wearing those same ugly dresses with the big ugly flowers too. I would suggest throwing out your nice clothes now and run down to the D.A.V. or Salvation Army Thrift Store today. After all that is where all the good Jehovah's Witnesses shop. Don't forget to go to all garage sales when you start going out in service, you never know what you will find for the Sunday meeting.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • waiting

    Hey Jay,

    run down to the D.A.V. or Salvation Army Thrift Store today. After all that is where all the good Jehovah's Witnesses shop

    I don't know where you live - but this would never, ever, happen in South Carolina. In Indiana, we used to donate to the Goodwill (for handicapped). None of them down here. Salvation Army is a religious organization - and no jw I know would ever give - or shop - there.

    They'd throw away their clothes before donating to "Satan's Organization." I thought that was crummy - so I take my excess baggage under the cover of night and put in the bins.

    Now a good consignment store?????? You betcha - I knew 'em all.

    What's D.A.V.?


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