Lilycurly why was that experience kind of sad? What would you havw done differently to try to encourage her? What would you have said?
JW just emailed me a new experience
by acuragirl 40 Replies latest jw experiences
People believe what they WANT to believe...not what is necessarily the "truth"... u/d
Very true, u/d. That was me...I wanted magic that would fix everything that was wrong with people and the world (as well as enable me and mine to live forever). So much easier to lay it all on Jehovah Santa God and not have to worry about it any more. All us true-believers had to do to was perform our little magic JW rituals daily (which I didn't realize would become such a burden), and Jah would take care of the rest. I accepted a lie with very little actual research or study because I wanted it to be real.
First I would take her out of the "so much bad in this world" mindset and make her see all the good in the world. Then conncentrate on what makes her feel good to do in this world, and concentrate on that, and doing what you can to help out with all the bad things, even if its something as small as helping an old person cross the street. Its like the starfish story. One at a time. My mission would be how to enjoy this great world we live in, the life we have, and how to be happy. I would not go door to door telling people that the way to happiness is being a slave for the wts. But thats just me.
If we were living in the time of the end dont you think this experience would be happening every day. to all the JWs. It just goes to show how blinkered we all where.
Its so rare to get a return visit never mind a bible study that when you do get one its E-mailed to EVERYONE, sad.
If we were living in the time of the end dont you think this experience would be happening every day. to all the JWs. ;It just goes to show how blinkered we all where.
Its so rare to get a return visit never mind a bible study that when you do get one its E-mailed to EVERYONE, ; sad.
To be honest vitty it is so rare at times not to get a return visit not because we are not in the last days but you may even agree, it is because alot of the friends do a horrible job at the door,,,now that is sad to me......
DFED--What,enough JW's aren't charasmatic enough to trick people into thier beliefs,or enough don't humbly go thru life quietly leading by example?
I know you would think a religion that has "overwhelming evidence" that it is theocraticly chosen and is the one true religion would sell itself.
AK - Jeff
I suspect the experience is genuine. But I see no special significance to it. Any religious clergyman or well read Bible believer could and would have provided the scripture about how God cares for us. Most fundementalist would have put blame for all the worlds serious problems on the back of Satan. So what is the special message that Jw's brought her? Where is this any different from what this woman could and would have heard on a Christian radio program. None. There is nothing special with knowing a couple of scriptures. Jim Jones and David Koresh knew the Bible well. Proves nothing at all. Except that Jw's are not making many people listen if this is an exceptional morning in service.
They have one intent - to get her in the
DefdI agree with you, so why is Jehovah leaving such an important job, to such an inadaquate bunch of ppl
Hang on a minute, whats nbsp that you ADDED to my post
JWs are not searching for "sheeplike ones", they are looking for ignorance.