It suprises me that some people talk with such authority, about things that perhaps they don't know.
Suggesting an illness, delusions, etc., that these "ghosts" don't exist. For some maybe. For others, very real.
Here is a fact for some to consider.
In the home I grew up in, we had a ghost. I won't call him a demon, as I have no reason to do so. But it was a ghost, and looked like a man.
Now, my mom and sister heard it, as well as saw, and all 3 of us talked about it to others before talking with each other. The fact is that it was in our home, and we all saw it. All our stories matched perfectly.
Some of you want to say that I didn't see what I saw? Then you are foolish and ignorent, as you did not experience what I did. Just because you don't believe it, doesn't make it so.
Without question, I swear to God or whomever you believe or don't believe in, that is was true.
For those who don't believe in these type of situations, what say you?? You think I am insane, or we all saw things in our head?
Yeah, ok. Whatever.
In case you are curious, our home was built in the 1880's, and we were only the 3rd family ever to live in that home. The man/ ghost my family saw and heard was dressed for someone at the turn of the century. I think maybe it was the guy who first lived there. Why was he there? Don't know. But I know he was real. Saw him countless times. Never attacked us, or caused us harm. Though I would never stay in a house like that now.