Years ago I was driving down the highway one night, listening to a radio talk show host.
He had some time to kill, so he said to the audience, "I know, let's talk about liver! How many of you out there like liver? And if you do like liver, do you have a favorite recipe."
Well, all of a sudden his switchboard lit up, and he got buried in calls. The next day people were calling up the radio station and asking if they could talk about liver some more. So that night they opened up the show to a whole program on liver. It went on for two hours, and the calls just would not stop. A couple of weeks later they decided to open up the lines and talk about liver again. Same thing happened! The talk show host could not believe it.
What the heck is it about liver that people can't seem to stop talking about it. One thing was clear though. You either hated it, or you absolutely loved it. There was no middle ground on this one.
Some loved it with bacon and fried onions. Some with mashed potatoes and gravy. Some just plain. Some insisted it had to be calve's liver, because the other was too strong. Some insisted on older liver, because the younger didn't have enough flavour.
So people, tell us what you think about liver, and share with us your favorite recipe, if you have one. I had a whole collection once, but lost them all in some move along the way.
Rod P.