I love Liver! What's your favorite recipe?

by Rod P 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Years ago I was driving down the highway one night, listening to a radio talk show host.

    He had some time to kill, so he said to the audience, "I know, let's talk about liver! How many of you out there like liver? And if you do like liver, do you have a favorite recipe."

    Well, all of a sudden his switchboard lit up, and he got buried in calls. The next day people were calling up the radio station and asking if they could talk about liver some more. So that night they opened up the show to a whole program on liver. It went on for two hours, and the calls just would not stop. A couple of weeks later they decided to open up the lines and talk about liver again. Same thing happened! The talk show host could not believe it.

    What the heck is it about liver that people can't seem to stop talking about it. One thing was clear though. You either hated it, or you absolutely loved it. There was no middle ground on this one.

    Some loved it with bacon and fried onions. Some with mashed potatoes and gravy. Some just plain. Some insisted it had to be calve's liver, because the other was too strong. Some insisted on older liver, because the younger didn't have enough flavour.

    So people, tell us what you think about liver, and share with us your favorite recipe, if you have one. I had a whole collection once, but lost them all in some move along the way.

    Rod P.

  • mtbatoon

    I like my liver with onion, bacon, mash and gravy. With BSE I've avoided calf and will happily have pig or lamb but the wife prefers lamb, cooked as follows:

    Fry off the bacon and drain any water/fat, caramelise the onions and add the bacon and diced liver and reduce the heat. Leave till the liver gives up its juices and add lemon juice, simmer till the juices reduce and add stock and thickener as needed. Serve with mashed potatoes. Not a fussy recipe but it a good plain dish the lemon removes the metalic taste you sometimes get and makes it tender.

  • PaulJ

    Man on phone to take-away restaurant= "Do you deliver?"

    Takeaway Restaurant guy= "No, but we do lamb, chicken and pork sir...."

    I hate liver, i was force fed it about twice when i was a kid.... uuurrrggghhhh

  • Eyebrow2

    not a huge an of it...UNLESS it is KFC Fried Chicken Livers....yumm!!!!

  • vitty

    I love liver, but my family hate it so I dont cook it anymore. I would only eat lambs liver and id eat it with mash potatoes, oinons, peas and gravy.

    The kids would eat it when they were small, but eventually thed find a "tube" in it and that was it,

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Boy, do I have stories about liver!

    When I was 10 yrs old, it was discovered that I had anemia that was bordering on leukemia. I had to stay out of school for a month while they were trying to build up my blood with iron tonic, pills to increase my appetite and LIVER. But not cooked just any old way.....it had to be slapped into a hot skillet, flipped on the other side quickly and turned onto my plate MOSTLY RAW! Needless to say, it was very...er...um...unappealing. I don't know how I survived eating that shtuff back then.

    When I was a young married and hubby had been transferred to Nicosia, Cyprus and I had moved there with him, I was very thankful that I was halfway around the world from my Mom when I got her letter asking me if I remembered that big round oak dining table that we all sat around for meals in our kitchen. (I was always the last kid to leave the table on "liver night") It seems that they had decided to cut the pedestal down and turn it into a coffee table for the living room. Lo and behold! When they turned it over, thousands of tiny diced pieces of petrified liver fell off the supporting boards that held the table top steady on the pedestal. Mom said she now knew what kept me so long at the table on liver nights, but she was not a happy camper about it.

    As years went by, I really began to like liver, though. But only calves liver (beef liver really IS too strong and tough) and cooked with onions and bacon with gravy. At one time, there was a young jdub sis with 4 stair-step tots that used to come frequently to my apartment to visit and, of course, they were often there for meals. I thought it was so funny one day, when she told me that her 2 yr old piped up and told her she wanted to go visit "Miss Nu-ell" and have some "livvy givvy." Yep, me and liver have come a lonnnnng way.


  • luna2

    I don't mind liver, but I don't think I've made it for at least ten years. Somehow I can't get interested. As a kid it seemed like we used to have it for dinner about once every two weeks...and I liked it. My mother served it with sautéd onions and bacon.

    LOL on the liver stuck to the table, Frannie. Too funny! The only meal my mother served that I felt that way about was her spaghetti. I hated the shell pasta (I would have preferred normal thin spaghetti noodles), and I detested her sauce; large chunks of tomato, green peppers, mushrooms and onion. To my immature palate, it tasted gross and I couldn't stand the texture. I used to sit at the dinner table for hours on spaghetti night (we couldn't leave til we cleaned the plate). I would formulate schemes on how I could somehow get rid of my dinner while my mother was out of the house picking my father up at the train station.

    I think chucking it down the toilet would have been my best option because she used to check the garbage if she came home and I was finished. I'm not sure why I never thought of flushing the stuff!! Probably wouldn't have mattered because my brother and sister would have told on me anyhow.

  • LittleToe

    Coated in flour, and fried with bacon and onions.

    Together with potatoes mashed with butter and cream, and a side order of peas, and I'm in heaven.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    (How much does your liver weigh?
    Twice as much as my onions......hahahahaha)

    One of my Fathers favorite meals was Liver and Onions. My parents would make it for dinner once in a while, but I couldn't stand it, so my Mom, would usually make something else for me, which made me feel special.

    I used to ask them, how can you stand eating that stuff, they would always reply, If this was all there was to eat, you would learn to like it.

    As I got older, I came to realize that Organ, or Variety meats, were very common back during the depression, World War 2, and even into the 50's. It was a cheap way to serve your family meat, especially, when times were tough.

    I still don't like Liver.

  • Mulan

    I used to love it, but have lost my taste for it in recent years. Maybe it just isn't good quality anymore.

    Here is my favorite recipe, Greek style.

    Dredge in salted flour, and fry liver quickly in hot oil.
    Saute a few garlic cloves in the oil, (chopped), until transparent, not browned. Remove.
    Add about 1/4 (or more, enough to make a nice sauce) cup fresh squeezed lemon juice to pan, 1 tsp. dried oregano. and bubble away until thickened a bit.
    Pour over fried liver.

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