A question I've asked an elder as a kid, he never gave an answer

by zagor 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zagor

    The question was, "so if things are going to be returned to as they were in Eden does that mean that we all are going to be naked again and that we won't need any clothing."

    He never answered.

    I can see now why. It is very uncomfortable thought for many dubs. It is not only to do with "immorality" as such (though many naturalists would vouch that it being naked has nothing to do with it anyway)

    It goes much, much deeper. Looking back and considering introspectively feeling I had at the time as well as talking to a number of people I can see that most of those feelings were actually crafted by WTBS and subtly promoted through its literature to make dubs feel ashamed of their own bodies and view them as something repugnant (not surprisingly you’ll see very few taking care of their bodies by going to gym for instance).

    This feeling of disgust toward anything even remotely related to flesh is quite strange particularly considering that most dubs don’t have a heavenly hope as such. Hence, they are hoping to use their bodies to the fullest extent in “New Order”. Yet they are ashamed of these bodies as some sort of “dirty vessels”.

    Of course, such an attitude has even more devastating and immediate consequences. Because most of them are harboring such feeling they don’t take good care of their bodies and ultimately their health. Hence many have tendency to be overweight and prone to many illnesses, particularly heart diseases which often require surgery to correct. (and a blood issue at that)

    Quite strange, WTBS should really encourage people more into sports so that as few as possible would ever have to face heart or other surgeries requiring blood.

    WTBS really puts dubs in an impossible situation where taking “excessive” care of one's body is discouraged (of course for most dubs when they read excessive they translate it as not at all so as to avoid being on "fringes of the truth").

    I really wonder if GB members and their wives take care of their bodies in the same way they advise regular dubs. I mean they have to do something extraordinary since most of them are in their 90’s when average Americans live, what?, 70 – 80 years at most.

    Even though this thread is not about it but I would love to mention that I find it hard to believe that members of GB don’t engage in a healthy sex life too and that it must have a prominent place in their lives. How otherwise explain Sydlick’s choice of a wife who could be his granddaughter. (oh yes they would have so much to talk about, right)

    Which is all fine but then it comes the issue of teaching one thing and practicing another that’s more convenient for one’s needs.

    Your thoughts are welcome.

  • LittleToe

    That's an issue that is faced by every religion that holds to the Adam and Eve story being symbolic of "perfection". The most honest answer would be "we don't know", for those who desire to hold to that line.

    Of interest to me is that many children find great liberty in abandoning their clothing, with little or no shame. Is shame encultured?

    I kinda hope that humankind is eventually going to go the route of peace, love and harmony, as expressed in "Barbarella"

  • blondie

    Also, the WTS teaches that there will still be the seasons, cold and hot, not the tropical climate they teach was earthwide prior to the flood.

    Adam and Eve must have had built in sun screen.

    There must have been no sharp stones or thorns and thistles to jab their tender toes.

    Did Adam and Eve need toilet paper?

    Did they have to brush their teeth?

    Of course, I understand at nudist colonies, people do wear footwear; not that I made it a personal research project.

    Blondie (who wondered the same question)

    Will people who are resurrected come back with clothes on?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Thoughts ?

    Yep, naked - ie. exposed - but forgiven and not under judgement (naked and not ashamed)

    And not subject to the accuser (Who told you that you were naked?)

    A secure mind is like a garden but people are afraid of this 'naked' - I heard the sound of thee in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself


    I'm somewhat taken by this description

    And they called the blind man, saying to him, "Take heart; rise, he is calling you."
    And throwing off his mantle he sprang up and came to Jesus.

  • rebel8

    The Watchtower article of June 1, 1987, pages 30-31 suggests there will not be marriage in the New System. Thus, a loving god would remove sex drive as well. The weather will be perfect; there sill be no injuries. Thus, there is no need for clothing. I'll stop there as I'm making myself laugh.

  • NeonMadman

    I once asked an elder this question, and after harrumphing a bit, he finally said, "Well, I think we'll be dignified!"

  • Honesty

    This is just one more of the many reasons I left the 'spiritual paradise' of the WTBTS.

  • LongHairGal

    I used to wonder about this myself. But it is quite possible their naked condition was never meant to be permanent. What I mean is: if it was just Adam and Eve around, so what if they were naked? They were, after all, married to each oither.

    But, if the population grew then of course that would complicate things. Regardless of whether we were "perfect" or not, I wouldn't want to be parading around naked in front of someone who was not my significant other.

  • orion

    Rebel8.....about that quote "perfect weather"....What is perfect weather. Some of us perfer thunderstorms or snow......I don't look forward to freezing my nipples off because I love the snow..............lol.........Sorry not trying to get off subject I just think its absurd that they would even make an assumption like that.

  • daystar


    Thus, a loving god would remove sex drive as well

    I was never taught that specifically. How could we fulfill God's desire for us to "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth"? I was told that since God wanted us to "fill the earth" and not to overfill it, there would come a time when no one would have children any more. My response was that I didn't think He would be so cruel as to remove from mankind the joy of having and raising children.

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