What's your zodiac sign?
by Dimples 70 Replies latest jw friends
Virgo..... Year of the rabbit..... fits pretty well, too! -
Sad emo
I'm a Taurus and a 'fire horse'
In this century, Fire Horses have only occured in two years: 1906 and 1966, the next being 2026. The Chinese believe that anyone born during a year of the Fire Horse will possess greatly enhanced characteristics in both their positive and negative attitudes and traits; they are the extremes of the astrolgical signs.
Betcha can't guess what year I was born then?
I'm a Bull Monkey!
I'm a Gemini, and my husband's a Leo......it's loads of fun!!!!
Sparkplug, that is exquisite body art, I had to look at it twice to figure it out....
Wow! Awesome body art!!
Im a fiery aries :) es
I'm on the cusp of Aries & Taurus - so I fall into either or.
Farkel, of the Taurus the raging idiot class
You are a Taurus ? I am a Capricorn.... it is well known that horned signs don't get along at all... How come I like you so much ?
Celia, who does not believe in horoscopes...