A Discussion With An "Anointed" Elder

by Defender 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • BoozeRunner

    I guess that "microscope" is reserved for use against all but the WTS.


  • circe

    The subject of JW's having a "blinking light" of truth is one that has been discussed many times before. Even JW's admit that their "truth" is progressive: a light that gets "brighter and brighter".

    But I've never quite thought about it in the way that you said:

    The elder and I had come from Catholic backgrounds and his argument was a JW will stand a better chance of survival than a Catholic. I asked him why does he think that. He responded by saying that JWs have more accurate knowledge than Catholics. I asked him if JWs had always had accurate knowledge. He said: “ No! The Society, over time, had acquired more accurate understanding and had discarded false doctrines.”

    So I asked him if that means that JWs living today, that have more accurate knowledge, will have more chances of survival than JWs that had lived years ago and had passed away having believed false doctrines? Furthermore, will JWs in the future have more chances of survival than those living today, since they will definitely be having yet more accurate understanding?

    "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge... blah, blah, blah..."

    I wonder if the line of reasoning you used would work on my mom? Hmmm.

    Thank you so much for a wonderful post!


    edited for formatting

  • Defender

    Thanks all for your kind replies.


    You are right, talking to JWs who do not think is frustrating. This elder seems to do a lot thinking and questioning. I showed him few scriptures that spoke about the apostles belief that they were living in the last days and that they were expecting Jesus to return in their lifetime. He had argued that the Society does not promote this thinking. But after reading few scriptures, he backed off and decided to do more research.

    I am hoping that if he is still interested in more discussions (I hope he is not trying to "incriminate" me) then I might be in a position to really help him. Who knows.


    I sat down and started to analyze AFTER reading Ray's books. Before that, I just sat there and bought it. Today, I keep wondering why I never questioned.

  • Billygoat


    You never know, there are several ex-Elders on this board. You may be the one that planted the seed of doubt for him. I have always found that reasoning with JW's to be a lot like talking to the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. Their sense of reality is so different from what's really out here. Keep up the great work!


  • JT

    path of horns says:

    Unfortunately it is usually wasted on people like the elder you spoke with but the mental exercise is always good.

    I've decided to save my breath lately. Talking to people who can't think but only parrot off tired WT cliches is too frustrating


    I agree with you 110%== why argue with an ATM since it is programmed to shut down and keep your card after the 3rd wrong try

    same with jw- after you answer thier question wrong on the 3rd time

    "Is JAH using the WT as his ONLY ORG"?

    YOU can't get upset when they shut down on you

    but like you said it is good mental exercise


    i too wouldn't waste my breath after percieving it is going in one ear and out the other

    If i didn't learn anything in wt i learned with to perceive a USELESS CONVERSATION out in service

    same when dealing with a jw - for me it don't take long to see that the:

    "shutdown.exe", "igotthetruth.dll" and "UanApostate.bak" Program files have kicked in


  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    >When did this silly organization suddenly turn into Gnostics?

    Think a minute, Met. Isn't that just another of their heretical notions that they have ahd all along?

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