Thanks for your responses. After sleeping on it, things sort of fell back into perspective a bit. I was more taken back than anything that she responded to my seemingly innocent enough question the way she did.
I think you should just keep a low profile as regards questions about the WTS what's the point of knowing what they are up to with their doctrines
I dunno greendawn, I guess I've been having these bizarre moments lately where I want to bring it up to test her to ultimatley see if I can somehow save her. I imagine everyone feels that way once in awhile in respects to their still-in-it parents.
I blame it on hanging out here on this forum, the quotes website and my recent re-exposure to all of this stuff. It's really not a battle I want to chose, so I'm certain it will pass and like you all advise, we will preserve our relationship by keeping it limited to small talk.
She knows you no longer believe or she would not refuse to speak to you about it
I know- mother's intuition thing. I suspect maybe so.