Do you secretly wish for a demon attack - serious question

by stillajwexelder 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    My question is, why do you want your faith in god to be strengthened (if that's what you meant)? Does having faith in god make you feel good in some way? I'm asking because it never did for me.

    I suppose I want there to be a god so I have a chance no matter how remote of life after death

  • Insomniac

    I don't think there needs to be a Satan, to prove there is a God. For proof of God, take a walk in nature, or consider the intricate engineering of the bones of your hand. Look at Hubble telescope pictures, or read a book on chemistry. When I see how everything fits together, and nothing in nature is wasteful or wasted, I am convinced of the existence of a creator.

  • FMZ

    Stilla, funny you should ask.

    I used to love the idea of being attacked by a demon when I was a dub. I was asking for it. Pretty much for the same reason you do, proof. If I could have just one experience with a spirit being, good or bad, it would prove absolutely everything to me.

    Alas, I was a dub for 21 years and all I got was this crappy t-shirt.


  • Simon

    I have the same non-fear if deemunz as I do of god. I also don't fear dragons, ogres, trolls, orcs, wizards, witches and a whole host of other fairy-tale creatures.

    Michael Jackson is scary though.

  • stillajwexelder

    Michael Jackson is scary though.

    ROTFLOL Simon

  • Insomniac

    Simon, I'm glad you don't fear witches; we're generally pretty benign creatures, and mean you no harm.

    But trolls and ogres...dude, those scare me to death!

  • Sirona

    Hey Simon!!!! Are you saying I'm a fictional creature?


  • DannyHaszard

    Jesus and his disciples of the gospel narratives encountered the zombied out demon possessed with such frequency it was like a script from the 'dawn of the dead". Yet they are not so obvious today.The answer given to me by the Jehovah's Witnesses was that; "since 1914 the demons are bent on deception and don't want to tip their hand". Ya right now instead of the 'dawn of the dead' it's the DAWN of the DUBS. ----- Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

  • lawrence

    I believe in the existence of the Creator, and spirits, so I don't wish for attacks, or anything.

    Danny- I'm already pitching Hollywood on your theme - "DAWN OF THE DUBS." Great one!

  • jwfacts

    I have often thought it would be a great way to strengthen my faith. But how do you know a demon attack is a demon attack? Would it be a demon, or a dead soul, or just a psychotic figment of your imagination.

    I once woke pinned to my bed, couldnt move for what seemed like several minutes so assumed it was a demon. Try to say Jehovah but couldnt utter a word. But in speaking to others found out that the mind can wake before the body, the experience i was probably going through.

    What is levitation? A demon? Or is it a power we all possess but still do not understand? People believe what they want and explain away what they want. The bible (if it is true) says that Jesus raised the dead, yet almost no one believed him to be Gods son. Why not? Because it didnt happen, or people justified it away, they didnt want to believe it?

    I believe in a creator, an intelligence behind design. But no one knows or can prove what that is, who or how. Demon attack or no demon attacks.

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