I have often thought it would be a great way to strengthen my faith. But how do you know a demon attack is a demon attack? Would it be a demon, or a dead soul, or just a psychotic figment of your imagination.
I once woke pinned to my bed, couldnt move for what seemed like several minutes so assumed it was a demon. Try to say Jehovah but couldnt utter a word. But in speaking to others found out that the mind can wake before the body, the experience i was probably going through.
What is levitation? A demon? Or is it a power we all possess but still do not understand? People believe what they want and explain away what they want. The bible (if it is true) says that Jesus raised the dead, yet almost no one believed him to be Gods son. Why not? Because it didnt happen, or people justified it away, they didnt want to believe it?
I believe in a creator, an intelligence behind design. But no one knows or can prove what that is, who or how. Demon attack or no demon attacks.