Dungeons and Dragons game & JW urban legends

by rebel8 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    Oxnard:Few JWs actually know what D&D is about. All they go from is the Awake write-up from the early 80's. It mentioned something about a thief and an assasin creeping through tunnels, or somesuch. No mention was made of worshipping gods (nor do I recall anyone invoking that when I played - is that a more recent edition??)

  • mtbatoon

    You sad wasters running around pretending to be a lady elf bint



  • sonnyboy

    Can someone explain how D&D is played?

    We used to 'play' it in my cousin's neighborhood as kids, but there was never any type of board or books involved. We all just sat around in a circle and were guided by a dungeon master.

    I don't think these were authentic sessions.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    LT - I'm not sure if gods are a recent edition. I'm fairly new at D&D myself. I just incorrectly assumed that worshipping other gods would be a big deal to JWs.

    Sonnyboy - Essentially, you act out a character. You have to fill out a character sheet with various stats. Using these stats, you have to figure our your character's personality and role in the party.

    The DM creates an interactive world with adventures based on your party's abilities.

    To play you need: Dice of various sides, pencils, paper, figures, and a game board/map with squares/hexes. The figures and the game board are necessary for combat purposes.

    Hope that helps.

  • rebel8
    rebel8: Happy Birthday Honey! -your adoring husband, the spy. *chuckle*


    It's actually the 3rd. I wonder why it says today. Is that because I'm upside down?

  • Ticker

    Well Happy Birthday Rebel 8. Just in case I dont make it on here on the 3rd due to being pretty busy with life right now. Hope you enjoy your birthday and maybe you will get breakfast in bed from the hubby. Anyways best wishes on your Happy B-Day.


  • daystar


    pokemon higher levels, harry potter, lord of the rings, all are D&D knockoffs


    The Lord of the Rings book trilogy was a knockoff of D&D? I'm afraid it was the other way around. The books predate Gary Gygax's creation by some years. His elf race was based entirely on the elf race from The Lord of the Rings. Prior to LOTR, elves were generally considered more like Keebler elves than the tall, waifish creatures of today's fantasy genre.

  • LittleToe

    When I played the players had a sheet with their character on it, and would make off their inventory with a pencil, and often map their progress as they went. It was the Dungeon Master who kept all the notes and usually owned the die

    The addition of figurines, etc., seems a more recent addition, as previously the world was conjoured up in your mind to the whim of the DMs descriptions. The more imaginative the DM, the more enjoyable for all.

    The earliest proper LOTR RPG that I recall was "Middle Earth".

  • NeonMadman

    I got into playing D&D for a short while back in the early 1980's. When the article against the game came out in Awake, I decided to stop, and put my basic D&D kit out for sale at a yard sale.

    There was a brother in the congregation who was a ministerial servant and a pioneer. Not only that, but he was absolutely obnoxious about it, always acting like some sort of god, bragging about how many hours he put in service, etc. I think of him these days as "Brother Super-Righteous." As luck would have it, he stopped by my yard sale that day and got his knickers in a twist about my even possessing such a satanic game, much less being willing to sell it to someone else, thus bringing my demons into their house. While we were arguing about it, some kid came by and bought the game. Thus the damage was done, and the point rendered moot. Brother Super-Righteous left in a huff.

    For the next several years, every time I saw Brother Super-Righteous, in every sort of setting, whether social, at meetings, etc., he somehow managed to work the evils of D&D into the conversation. This happened on many, many occasions. The last time I recall it happening, it was at a meeting. We had changed congregations, so we were in a different congregation than he was, though both congregations used the same Kingdom Hall. Well, one Sunday, because of the way the meetings were scheduled, we decided to attend the meeting of the congregation he was in. During the Watchtower Study, Brother Super-Righteous put his hand up and went off on a tirade about the evils of D&D, even though it had nothing to do with the subject of the meeting. I had a friend who was an elder in that congregation, and as it happened, I had commented to him at one point about this idiot raving about D&D every time he saw me. This elder promptly pulled Brother Super-Righteous into the back room and gave him a dressing down about his comments.

    After that, I never heard Brother Super-Righteous mention D&D again. But I don't really think the reason for that is because of the chewing out he got from the elder that morning. No, I'm pretty sure the reason I never heard it from him again is that he was disfellowshipped shortly after that because he had, for years, been sexually molesting and raping his two preteen daughters on a regular basis.

    I understand that he was recently reinstated, and that one of his daughters, now grown up and married, promptly disassociated herself in protest.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Also candidlynuts, I'm not sure what you mean by Pokemon higher levels. I've actually played the Pokemon RPG on the Game Boy, and I fail to see how it is a D&D knockoff.

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