A Tasty Lil Bit O' Gossip.

by Englishman 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Here's a picture of the late Sir John Fieldhouse during his time as an admiral in the Royal Navy. He later became First Sea Lord and was in charge of operations during the Falklands war when England and Argentina slugged it out in the South Atlantic back in '82.

    His wife shown here is Lady Fieldhouse - known to her friends as Midge - who is a very active Jehovahs witness residing in Lee on Solent, near Portsmouth. My mother did the converting in the late

    Somehow she manages to balance mixing with Royalty with knocking on doors. Quite a woman, eh?


    *** http://www.thenews.co.uk/news/falklands/bitter.htm

    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • bboyneko

    Hey, what happened during the balkland island war? Im an american so I know crap for history. I'm also orignially from South America so i wanna side with Argentina on this one. Why did both countries claim the land? More importantly, why did Argentina lose?

  • bigboi

    I betcha if you didn't know anything about England, you would think it was a very vast place. I love the names the English give localities, like Lee on Solvent. What happened between Argentina and England back then? I've heard about it only in passing and really was always curious about what happened.



  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    What a pleasant looking war criminal.

  • hippikon

    Falkand War - Malvinas

    The full story makes good reading. Agentina leases the Island to Englang. Argentina says we want it back now thanks. England says no "smeg" off its ours, you gave it to us. So Argintina moves in and plants its flag on the island. England says I'm going to beat you up for that and sends lots of guns and bombs. Argintina gets wipped but gives England a bloody good bleeding nose.

  • bboyneko

    So who was in the right? Did argentina in fact lease it, cus if they did then they are it's rightful owners. And what does smeg mean? We dont use that word in the US. Damn english peeps, stealin' innocent islands away from their rightful owners!


  • expatbrit

    Commie Chris:

    I see we need to have a little chat at the next Toronto aposto-fest!


  • philo

    Hippikon, I though it went like this. Britain took the Malvinas unfair and square in the time-honoured way, with the threat of heavy cannon. Nobody seemed to mind much, there weren't even sheep there at the time. They called it Falklands; whose name came first? For some reason, a leasing arrangement was signed later on, probably a diplomatic move when the world was at war. But I didn't realise the British violated the terms of the lease, is that right?


  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    The Falklands (Malvinas to the Argentines) are an economically and strategically irrelevant cluster of rocks off the south-east coast of Argentina. At the time of the war, there were about 2,000 people living there - mostly English sheep farmers. The war was about 2 very unpopular governments (Thatcher in the UK, the military dictatorship in Argentina) each provoking a war in order to whip up patriotic fervor - a time tested tool for scummy politicians - in order to save their own political careers. The build up to the war shows each side clearly wanting a war for no reason other than politics. There are no “good guys” in this war. The Brits won the war, so Thatcher regained her popularity and won re-election, at the cost of hundreds of lives. The Argentine generals gambled on saving their careers, and lost. The U.S. and France profited by selling weapons to both sides, as usual. That’s it.

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    Expatbrit: I'll look forward to it!

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