Still Alive!!

by RichieRich 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Yes Leg, she did.

    Whats funny is, honestly, I didn't go fishing to be with them. I went fishing to go fishing. lol.

    I told the elder's that we were spread out and not really talking to each other. So they had nothing... (what are you gonna do, DF me for being in a place with people nearby??)

    Its all good though.

  • ozziepost

    Now that's some wild story!

  • Legolas
    I told the elder's that we were spread out and not really talking to each other. So they had nothing... (what are you gonna do, DF me for being in a place with people nearby??)

    OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are they looking to get rid of you? I keep saying nothing will surprise me about 'them'.....but it always does!!!

  • lawrence


    Tell the elders you gave the co-workers some literature. You don't have to tell them it was Rolling Stone magazine.

  • Honesty
    told the elder's that we were spread out and not really talking to each other. So they had nothing... (what are you gonna do, DF me for being in a place with people nearby??)

    Shame on you for not offering them a hit on the bong.

  • tweety

    I was wondering where you were lately? Glad to see that your still alive! lol Have fun at work...but I don't need to tell you, cause your already doing that!


  • Billygoat
    (what are you gonna do, DF me for being in a place with people nearby??)


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    I cannot believe your mom.

    When a young ox is first harnessed to the yoke, it takes a while, but soone enough the callus forms and the yoke becomes bearable, even a thing of joy.

    Tell us about the yob and yer crew when you get a chance.

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