"If I had all the money in the world I would.........."

by anewme 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celia

    I would send a big check to Farkel............. Restore my parents' house in France.............. Build a big stone house in Vermont, on top of a hill.............. Give to animal shelters and kids charities............... Send my kid to a great College............... Buy a Volvo............. Have a face lift............ etc, etc....

  • Leolaia

    Should I not interpret "all the money in the world" literally? Because if I had all the money that there is, the world would starve. But if I had a significant sum, I would first provide for my family, then provide for my own needs, then find some small cause in which my sizeable contribution would help the most people in the most dramatic way. I would not want it to go into a big pot where half of it pays for the expenses of running a charity and the average person the charity helps only gets 50 cents from the sum....

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