The most dangerous thing I ever did was to thow eggs at cars with two of my best friends at the time. Out of twelve eggs, only the last one struck a truck in the windshield. The guy slammed on his brakes, backed up, got out and shot as us threw the woods where we were hiding. As soon as I heard the shots, I fell flat on my stomach and just layed there until he left. My friends in the mean time had taken off running through the woods and got lost for a couple of hours. I had already made it home since I lived close by and knew the woods well since I would often go walking through them.
Anyway, they saw me drop and when they finally got home, were surprised to see me as they throught I had been shot. I was scared shitless to say the least, but believe it or not, they had it worse. You see, as they got lost, they ended up running through a big briar patch (it's kind of hard to see when it's pitch black outside) and since they were both wearing shorts were really cut up bad on their leggs and arms. From the sight of them I thought they had been shot. We were lucky that day and needless to say, we never again eggs cars after that.