Dammit, I won't smoke one either then! And, yes, i smoke.
I am NOT going to smoke a cigarette today
by DanTheMan 50 Replies latest jw friends
Dan, good luck. I am a heavy smoker and have been for many years. I know what you're going through. I quit once for a year and started back again. The craving never left me. Ever tried the Nicotine Inhaler? That worked for me (at least for a year). It is initially expensive though!
I recall that I would read in the Watchtower and Awake magazines how so and so found out he/she couldn't be one of Jehovah's Witnesses if they smoked so they just threw all their cigarettes away and never smoked again! Never a mention of any kind of withdrawal symptoms. Noooooh. They just did it because they were so dedicated! What BS! It made me feel inferior and spiritually lacking because I could never do it. However the time I did quit I had been disfellowshipped for years. You can do it, Dan. Got more guts that I do.
from the (I'll do tomorrow class)
Midwich and avi, thanks for joining me
kazar, even after a year you were still having cravings? Man, mine usually go away after a few days, after that it's all psychological, but psychological cravings can be pretty intense I know.
Ive been working on cutting back for a few weeks now. I bought a crossstich project to keep my hands busy and it helps alot. My goal is to first quit smoking during the day. then give it up totally. For me its harder not to smoke at night because that is when my hubby is home and he smokes. But for today at least Ill join ya and not smoke at all Im sure my lungs will thank you.
Dan, the intense craving did decrease after about three weeks; but, there was always a mild craving that would manifest itself throughout the day, even though I felt so much better physically. This mild craving led me to think I could smoke just one to satisfy the need. Therein was the downfall, like any other addiction.
If at first you don't succeed try, try again... I'm on my first week now without a cig!!! Given up loads of times, for 15 years once!!!! just remember it stinks, it makes your breath stink, clothes stink etc etc.... helps me co's my partner doesn't smoke... so on with the battle!!! wish you all the best!!!
You have to accept the grief!
Yeah..really accept it. There is no end to stopping smoking. It's not just a temporary thing. So many people try to stop who can't accept that it is going to be an uncomfortable experience. You have to really accept the discomfort, endure it, then it will fade to an acceptable level. You'll know that you've cracked it when you start to hate the smell.
That happens BTW, after you've stopped standing close to someone who's smoking just to get yourself a whiff.
Dan, I tried that...all I can say is good luck and keep trying...
not the administrator
get some sunflower seeds still in the shell. it will keep your mouth busy and helps some. everytime i see a post like this it makes me want to light up one and now i have ashes in my keyboard, thanks man
Good luck Dan.
Going "cold turkey" on anything is quite difficult so I suggest eating some cold turkey to symbolise your struggle.