I am NOT going to smoke a cigarette today

by DanTheMan 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan-O

    It's a bear to quit, ain't it?

    Dan-O, of the 'smoking since 1983 class'

  • DanTheMan

    Day two, much more comfortable so far, no heavy nicotine cravings.

    Yesterday E-man posted:

    You have to accept the grief!

    Yeah..really accept it. There is no end to stopping smoking. It's not just a temporary thing. So many people try to stop who can't accept that it is going to be an uncomfortable experience. You have to really accept the discomfort, endure it, then it will fade to an acceptable level.

    There's a whole lotta truth in that. The discomfort that comes with quitting smoking really sucks, especially during the period of physical withdrawal symptoms. I guess quitting is a delayed-gratification issue, ya gotta be able take the long view to succeed at it.

    At the risk of sounding hokey I feel really free today, smoking is such a ball-and-chain habit.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Good going Dan..just keep thinking about that instead of "just one won't hurt"..

    I had quit for 6 years and after some hard times when hubby died..picked up just one.I swear it was like I never quit.I thought I would cough and get dizzy..nothing..just got hooked again.

    Also after having 5 years of normal blood pressure..after smoking now for a year..it was up again . Geez..you would think I could take a hint wouldn't you.

    Snoozy..who loves that "Clean feeling" of NOT smoking...if only.................

  • DanTheMan
    Snoozy..who loves that "Clean feeling" of NOT smoking...

    That's a good description...no stale smoke lingering inside my house and car, no dirty ashtrays, breathing fresh clean air....

  • Englishman

    My heartbeat was always around 83 when I was a smoker. That was at rest too. Now it's about 69 - 70.


  • Es

    Good going Dan, well done :) es

  • DanTheMan

    Day 3 - a little more difficult than yesterday, probably because I was back at work (stress) and I'm still in the stages of physical withdrawal. Holding on tight here!

  • vitty

    When I was giving up, I remember crying and saying to my husband "will i ever wake up in the morning not wanting a smoke ?" Guess what I do, and it feels great, it took a long long time, but the craving goes away completly, in fact its hard to remember what it was like to want one so bad.

    The feeling of pride and well being over comes the need to smoke, especially as you get older and you realize you CANT smoke and be healthy


  • lisavegas420

    Well....how are you doing now with the smoking thingy?


  • DanTheMan
    Well....how are you doing now with the smoking thingy?

    Sorry, didn't see this when you posted it Lisa :)

    I'm doing fine, no ciggies now for two whole weeks. I've even drank a few beers in that time. Usually beer tends to weaken my resolve to stay tobacco free as the two seem to go well together, but that didn't happen.

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