see, this explains everything - why men "never listen" to women :)

by zagor 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • damselfly

    I had this discussion the other week with my man regarding why he doesn't pay attention to me when I talk. He gave me a stupid grin and said it was because I talk so much he already knows what I'm going to say. So then I punched him in the arm. That made him laugh at me because he's 6'2 and 260 lbs and I'm only little. This made me madder so I sulked until he said he was sorry and bought me coffee.

    This is not a conversation I want to have with him again because I can't win it.


  • Finally-Free
    He gave me a stupid grin and said it was because I talk so much he already knows what I'm going to say.

    I was a little more tactful when discussing this subject with my ex. I told her she was repeating herself ad nauseum.


  • damselfly

    Ha! If he knew big words he would use them too.


  • Finally-Free
    Ha! If he knew big words he would use them too.

    It didn't help much. I still ended up getting punched on the arm.


  • avishai


  • FlyingHighNow

    Hell, we women tune you guys out, too when you start talking greek to us. Like when your job is overly technical or you're trying to explain something we have no apptitude for. Then there are the times we are distracted with other thoughts or activities and you are in a talkative mood.

    This is just another stereotype. Both sexes tune each other out. Both sexes talk too much at times.

  • stillajwexelder

    It is strong evidence for evolution. Men have evolved non-listening skills to avoid getting a load of ear-ache from women

  • jgnat

    Lesseee, I tune out baseball talk, car talk, and man-shopping talk. He's caught on and now starts up a monologue like this, "And after Jeter makes the home run I am going to paint the car fire-engine red with glo-strips and pimp lights, then start an affair with the cute girl at Wal-Mart.."

    If I say "uh-huh" I'm busted.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Lesseee, I tune out baseball talk, car talk, and man-shopping talk.

    Yeah, jgnat and we don't trump up studies to excuse ourselves, we admit to it. We don't always listen to men. And as for women talking a lot, take a look at the posters with the highest post numbers on JWD. Men talk quite a lot, too. Just check. But we still love you all anyway.

  • misspeaches

    I have the opposite problem.

    If a guy has a deep voice, and I am not talking ridiculouly deep either, I can't hear them. Well I know they are saying something but I can't distinguish the words...

    So guys if I ignore you try speaking with a higher pitch.. Do it for me. Not only will I be able to hear you I'd also find it increcibly entertaining...

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