Trinity- True or False

by defd 215 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LittleToe

    Ozzie:Can I stop standing on my head now? I've got an awful migraine coming on

    You make a good point about the subject of preaching. It was never about "Jehovah", but always about Christ (e.g. 1Cor.2:2). Oh how the JWs have strayed from "Christianity"...

  • defd

    Oh how the JWs have strayed from "Christianity"...

    On the contrary! Oh how far mankind has strayed from Christianity! To be a Christian means to be Christ like. What God did Jesus worship? It was Jehovah God, who he called his Heavenly Father. JWS worship Jehovah in imitation of Jesus. Most religions do not!

  • LittleToe


    Kindly stop avoiding the question...

    LT, of the "been there, avoided the subject, done that, was an Elder for years, yadda, yadda, yadda," class

  • Leolaia

    defd: Do you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If so, why have I never heard it among the Witnesses?

  • defd

    defd: Do you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior? ; If so, why have I never heard it among the Witnesses? I do admit and have noticed that Jehovahs people do not talk about Jesus enough. That does not mean, however that they Do not believe in him. We do believe he is our Lord and Savior. It is printed in the WT alot. That does need to change in friends. For example, when I talk to some of the brothers and sisters about the resurrection, they may make a comment like, "Wont it be great when Jehovah resurrects so and so." I will always chime in and say " dont you mean when Jesus resurrects so and so? It is a bad habit that many have gotten into.

  • M.J.

    I think the Bible affirms Christ's deity.

    I think the Bible affirms the personality of the Holy Spirit.

    "God Almighty" is the same as the "only true God", is the same as YHWH.

    I think Christ is one with the Father in the sense that He is in perfect submission to the Father's will, so that their will is unified in one will. Christ described how two persons (one as the head and the other in perfect subjection and agreement) can be considered "one" in Mark 10:6-8

    I think that there is only one true God, which represents the unity of Christ and the Spirit with the Father.

    I think that we are to regard Christ and the Spirit in the same class as the Father.

    I think that such a model stays truest to the intent of the many scriptural affirmations about God, about Christ, and about the Spirit.

    "The Father of the universe has a Son, who also being the first begotten Word of God, is even God." (Justin Martyr, First Apology, ch 63. ~150 AD) Some scriptural references I've found:

  • Hellrider


    What God did Jesus worship? It was Jehovah God, who he called his Heavenly Father

    Interesting, DefD. Did you know that not even once in the New Testament, Jesus refers to God as "Jehovah", not even "Jahve"? Why do you think that is? I`ll try to explain you why: The ancient jews considered the name of God (YHWH, not Jehovah) to holy to even speak out loud (thou shalt not speak the lords name in vain). So, instead, they used other words, like "adonai", which means "lord". Then, after a while, the word "adonai" and Gods name "YHWH", melted together, so that the vowels from AdOnAi blended in between the consonants of Gods name, YHWH. The result was the word Yahowah, which then evolved into "Jehovah" and "Jahve". So, neither the words "Jehovah" or "Jahve" are really Gods name, they are hybrid-names. Gods name is "yhwh", nothing else (and means "I am" or "I exist", or merely "existence"). So I have to ask you a question: WHY have the WTbts put in the word "Jehovah" all over the NT, in the NWT, in the places that originally said "lord"? Not even ONE original greek manuscript of the books of the NT has been found, that uses any of these words: "Jehovah, Jahve, YHWH".

    When you have chewed on this for a while, and gotten hold of a real Bible (not the NWT, the discussion is going to be pointless if you use a NWT, because the WTbts has changed all the passages that refer to Jesus as a part of God), we can discuss the Trinity. Let me know when you`re ready.

  • defd


    I agree with why the jews didnt utter Gods name. There were other reasons as well. Supersticious reasons also. Now I ask you. Would Jesus, Gods own son follow along with those reasons? No he would not and did not. In prayer to his Father he said," I have made your NAME known and will continue to make it KNOWN." Even in the model prayer that so many people RECITE he said Hallowed be thy NAME. He taught his followers to pray for the hallowing of Gods name. Gods name was very important to Jesus. You can not tell me he did not use it. Besides, It is in the greek scriptures, there is proof!

  • Leolaia

    In fact, many OT scriptures referring to Yahweh are applied to Jesus in the NT because YHWH is rendered as kurios "Lord" in the Greek. The title "Lord" in the NT thus is pregnant with allusion to Yahweh and his authority.

    Here is another important scripture that rarely gets discussed in these threads:

    "Make sure that no one traps you and deprives you of your freedom by some secondhand, empty, rational philosophy based on the principles of this world instead of Christ. In his body lives the fullness of deity, and in him you too find your own fulfillment, in the one who is the head of every sovereignty and power" (Colossians 2:8-9)
  • LittleToe

    Defd:Are you really blaming the "brothers" for misphrasing things? OMG, what a mind-job! I've got flash-backs to 1975 (and yes, I was there).

    Anyway, when are ya gonna get around to answering my simple question?

    What were Thomas' sentiments likely to be, in that moment?

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