144001,One son is startng college and the other has a great paying trade and is getting married next year. Put my foot down ? I have tried and will continue to but remember they never started any fights . Both fights were started by others and they were arrested not my sons. I just want them to learn to walk away before one time they can't. I think they won't back down because they think " well if they want to fight ,why not" i wish they would just walk out the door.
My thoughts on men who Body Build
by kls 127 Replies latest jw experiences
YOU should slap their asses.
It may give them a big head! But sometimes even guys who arent big act that way, and can kick some ass!
When I mentioned "putting your foot down," I intended that to apply to a situation where the kids are not doing anything productive with their lives. In your sons' case, that does not appear to be applicable, but I put it out there as you had not provided enough facts to determine its applicability.
As long as they have direction in their lives, i.e., going to school, learning a trade, etc., this sort of conduct will likely fade away without any intervention on your part. Your sons are at the age where they're changing from boys into men. This sort of activity is not abnormal, but obviously dangerous and hopefully soon to become a historical part of your sons' lives.
I know you're worried, but I think this will fade away on its own without any intervention from you. Good luck!
From experience I can tell you that body building or working out do not cause you to get into fights. Myself and my friends work out all the time and we don't go around thinking we can take on everyone. At the same token you can't judge strenght by the size of your muscles. I also train in Mixed Martial Arts and I can tell you that size does not matter when it comes to a fight. One of the guys I train with who also happens to fight in MMA is only around 145 lbs. Yet he takes on people double his weight (including me) and still wins. Now if they're at bars when this happens then I might say that alcohol plays a huge part on this also.
KLS, I hear you!!!! My husband and I have always told our kids to NEVER start a fight, TRY to walk away from a fight. But, if they can't, then do what they have to do, to protect themselves, then GET THE HELL out of there. These days, you just don't know when someone's going to pull out a knife or a gun....that's the scary thing. My daughter and eldest son both boxed for a few years, and they were told by their coaches, that they were to NEVER use their boxing skills in a fight, especially on school grounds....they'd be suspended, then expelled permanently from the club. The boxing was to teach them the art of boxing, and to be in control of their bodies, not to become aggressive. It takes a "bigger" man, to walk away from a fight......
Hey GBL wanna arm wrestle?
tee hee (ive got arms like matchstalks!)
those scrawny little guys are fast man! it's like those fighting video games. if you choose some huge dude, you can expect to have power, but not speed. but if you choose one of the scrawny little guys, they move fast, but punch like wussies.
TS (of the "what would jebus do?" - never been in a fight in my life class)
Yeah... after I bulked up I found that guys were always trying to get a cheap shot in.
never been in a fight in my life class
YAY! Me too, or anyone I have been out with (all 2 of em ha hah ah ha) or anyone I know. I was just wondering how all these people manage to go round getting into fights all the time. Isnt that for playgrounds?
I used to work in a mens prison, and all the inmates used to say "well i was in this pub and this bloke JUST came up and dissed my girl so I HAD to punch him"
I said 'WHAT are you talking about? Ive lived 30 years and no-one has EVER JUST come up to me in a pub and said anything rude for NO reason. And my boy'f has never HAD to defend himself"
Those guys are just a bag of wandering testosterone looking for someone to pick a bit of trouble with. Its PATHETIC!