Thanks everyone , both times they were not the aggresser but got involved and i do think it was ego on my son's parts but maybe after both being smacked a good one i am hopeful they will walk away but somehow i don't think that will happen ,and yes drinking i am sure played a part in both situations by all parties involved. When my son's started to bodybuild i was happy for them to committ to something they really enjoyed ,and how proud they became as they saw their muscles grow but now it just ascares the hell out me. I guess time will tell and if it is just a passing ,we will see.
My thoughts on men who Body Build
by kls 127 Replies latest jw experiences
Body building = Masturbation without orgasm
You know a post is going to stink when it starts with an analogy that would be false to anyone who is informed about the subject. Bodybuilding does provide a sort of "orgasm," a post-workout pleasure that only those who've done it would understand.
Some guys like the feel it gives them, the status it gives them with some other guys and women, and the self-confidence looking like a muscle-bound jerk give you. Poor them says me.
Poor you says them; stereotyping body builders as "muscle-bound jerk[s]" is unfair, inaccurate, and demonstrative of someone who knows absolutely nothing about body builders. Stereotyping bodybuilders in this manner is analogous to the stereotyping of minorities engaged in by racist groups.
The best looking bodies are those of people with good diet and an active lifestyle.
Of course, bodybuilders generally eat a good diet and obviously have an active lifestyle, so the bodybuilders you apparently disapprove of meet your criteria for having the "best looking bodies." I wonder whether the bias you've exhibited against bodybuilders has anything to do with envy?
Totally off topic, here. I saw the weirdest family at Chucky Cheese. Mom and pop body builders with a normal child. They had it all. The tank tops exposing bulging muscles, shaved, perfectly tanned skin. And a normal little boy happily downing his burger. Don't you wonder how normal a life is for a body builder, considering how many hours it takes to create that form? I often wonder when they have time to do regular things like other people. That Chucky Cheese episode was the only incident I can think of when I saw a body builder in a regular family setting.
Hey, I think fitness is great, and muscle building in moderation is wonderful. It's when they take it to the ultimate degree where the body form is more important than anything else. Other body extremists I can think of are those addicted to tattoos, plastic surgery, and the obsessively thin. All are in some way modifying their bodies to gain a sense of control.
Is everyone who gets a tattoo a freak? Is plastic surgery inherently stupid? Is dieting evil? Naaaah. It's the obsessers we have to worry about.
I can see how big boys end up in confrontations. People assume they can take on the little guys. I figure your boys, KLS, have to learn how to say "no" to the instigators. I think hill covered the subject very well. It's the wiry guys who can hold your gaze who can take you on.
"They should learn street fighting, as in kickboxing."
Dude, streetfighting has almost nothing to do with kickboxing. Streetfighting ... fighting to win ... means NOT playing th other guy's game. If he wants to box, you wrestle. If he wants to wrestle, you box. Take away his advantage; make your weakness irrelevant by focusing on your strengths and refusing to allow him to capitalize on HIS strengths. You do what it takes to win when you HAVE TO.
And when you don't have to win, you allow the problem to pass. Trouble finds most of us easily enough on its own; we don't have to go looking for it.
I almost wound up in a fight a couple of days ago for the first time in ages. Really, it was all I could do to keep a straight face, because the twerp was so damn comical in his arrogance. Before long, his mommy dragged him home, blaming his behavior on teenage testosterone.
Personally, I think he was on meth; I'm quite confident in my assessment that he was on SOMETHING, based on his teeny tiny pupils and watery eyes and overall paranoia and aggression. -
144 Oh deary deary dear, we are a little sensitive aren't we? You're not a ... body-builder are you? Or is this just "pay-back time" for some perceived slight, LOL? Maybe you just don't get the analogy as you're so keen to take offence? Take the Great Wall of China as far as I'm concerned, consider me singularly unbothered about what ever pathetic reason you have for your outburst. Does this screen look bothered? Screen? Look? Bothered? Here's a little help as you seem to need it; someone whose entire life revolves around their dick will be as balanced as someone whose entire life revolves around their pectoral muscles. Many such body-builders abuse their bodies. Many are so monomaniacal it becomes their prime focus in life. Having worked in clubs I have known quite a few regulars, both clientèle and door-staff, who took their body-building seriously. They were far more likely to be aggressive ass-holes than clientèle and door-staff who didn't body-build. I've know a fair number of 'big' guys, well over 6' tall, and to a man they are gentle giants. I can't think of any bodybuilder I have known I would apply this term to. I've known a 6'7", 220lb Irish Army private who read Yates beautifully and was a mild as an old Spaniel. The most intelligent discussion I've had with a body-builder concerned whether I was looking at his girlfriend and whether I wanted to be hit by him... Maybe I just got a bad sample and I have missed out on the gentle, poetic, flower-arranging body-builders... ?
Stereotyping bodybuilders in this manner is analogous to the stereotyping of minorities engaged in by racist groups
Please don't embarrass yourself anymore than you need to. Body-building is an activity people take up voluntarily, unlike being black/disabled/gay etc.. But this nicely establishes your intent in replying to me; nothing really to do with what I said, just an opportunity to slur me (with poorly thought-out analogies that probably offend some of the people you were refering to by comparing a life-long condition with a hobby).
Of course, bodybuilders generally eat a good diet and obviously have an active lifestyle, so the bodybuilders you apparently disapprove of meet your criteria for having the "best looking bodies." I wonder whether the bias you've exhibited against bodybuilders has anything to do with envy?
I said "don't embarrass yourself anymore than you need to". Envy?... ha! As for the health and diet of body-builders.... a massive protein drink industry targeting body-builders, high levels of steroid use, strong indications in cases it is a male equivalent to the body dismorphia of anorexia (not that anorexia is female exclusive)... yes, very healthy. Since when does eating large amounts of artificial supplements get termed a 'good diet'? I also made clear the distinction between specific artificial training (like body building) and the natural level of fitness one gets without sets, reps, or anything of the sort, by having a job involving physical activity. Human bodies do not look like body-builders bodies outside of the covers of Gor novels and the inside of gyms... even a professional athlete in power and strength sports won't have the specific targetted overdevelopment of muscles for purely asthetic reasons that leads to the body-builder 'look'. But what I actually said or meant matters little as you're just looking for a reason to attack... To quote a well-known body-builder, unfortunately I am sure you'll 'Be back' with more of the same...
But what I actually said or meant matters little as you're just looking for a reason to attack... To quote a well-known body-builder, unfortunately I am sure you'll 'Be back' with more of the same...
Funny Ab I see this in alot of your responses.Please don't embarrass yourself anymore than you need to. Body-building is an activity people take up voluntarily
Like you just did. You have a very limited knowledge of who attends a fitness center. Kls, Ive been training for about five years( Im not "ripped" but in shape) and I see the young guys walking around trying to be noticed, its definately an ego thing. Older guys (myself) 40+ just ingnore them.
I believe young men that are not guided and agressive with the strength they acquire will, in the long run hurt themselves. -
Happy Guy :)
On vacation here up at the lake and decided to pop into the forum. I couldn't resist commenting on this thread.
There was a time in my not to distant past when I dedicated about 2 hours a day to training - for sevral years. I was on a competive sports team which required getting literally every muscle in my body built and my physique ripped.
I can't strictly say that I was body building rather I was simply trying to make my body as finely tuned as possible for my optimal performance. As a side efffect I looked like a body builder.
I met many others in the gym who had the physique of the bodybuilder some were dumb as can be but very nice people nevertheless. Others were very aggressive (especially at Gold's Gym which was a haven for steroid use). Many bodybuilders that I met are very nice people and I formed friendships with them that I still keep up today. I'll give two examples which obviously shatter the stereotype: One (who is one of the finest physically tuned individuals I have ever seen) has his masters degree in the Arts, is the kindest persons you'll ever know, and he is a journalist for a newspaper who reports on live theatre. Another is a women who is a Mom to 3 grown kids. She is in her mid forties, bright, intellectual and a very fine person who is now completing her doctorate.
One possibility that one should consider is that when a male spends considerable time building their physique they become much more aware of their strengths versus other's weakness - especially women. This is a biproduct of working out in a gym setting with many others who, in many cases, are only there for a month in the spring or after a fattening festival like Thanksgiving or Christmas. In some men this can promote an idea that they should stand up for the weaker where possible - kind of like chivalry. This may explain your son's defensive role rather than aggressive. However, in most cases with the bodfybuilder it never comes to blows as jerks tend to also be cowards and are very intimidated by muscle. Over the course of several years I had the opportunity to stand up for a number of people and it never came to blows - not once (perhaps I was lucky). Perhaps your sons are not being as defesive as they claim? Perhaps the alcohol was factor (for all parties involved)? Perhaps they could bulk up some more so that others will think twice before striking them?
I don't think this is the case with your kids but have a talk with them to make sure that steroids are not involved. Steroids are rampant in bodybuilding circles and cause aggressive and obnoxious behavior. They also destroy the liver and can lead to premature death.
Funny Ab I see this in alot of your responses.
Ah, let he who is without sin cast the first post?
Getting involved in an argument 144 started that I indeed responded to is a freedom I am sure you cherish, as do I. Your point was?Like you just did. You have a very limited knowledge of who attends a fitness center.
Where did I say anything about fitness centres? I gave specific examples of my own experiences and where they took place, none of which were in fitness centres. Why not distort what I said? Oh, you just did. I also used examples drawn from the well known and documented problems with body-building.its definately an ego thing
And you agree with me....
I believe young men that are not guided and agressive with the strength they acquire will, in the long run hurt themselves.
They can deal with the consequences of their own foolishness; it's others such people hurt I am concerned about.
Body-building is an activity people take up voluntarily, unlike being black/disabled/gay etc..
This statement alone defines your ignorance. No matter your so-called life experience.
Big Dog
I have held my peace on this thread as some others have but this is just insane. I have been a bodybuilder/powerlifter for 25 years, competitive in my 20's, I say this only to indicate I have some knowledge of the topic. First, this thread is about fighting, bodybuilding got drug into the mix since KLS's kids happen to be bodybuilders.
The fact of the matter is that aggression can be found in any of the "macho" sports, football, hockey, baseball, wrestling, basketball, and yes bodybuilding. Any of you been on a high school or college football team? Fights happen about once a practice between big, strong, boys/men with lots of testosterone and training that promotes agression. Hey watch ESPN, fights on the basketball court, pitchers shoving camera men, and for christ's sake hockey where fighting is as much a part of the game as the puck is.
Give me a freaking break singling out bodybuilders as this ultra agressive group. 144001 was right, that is stereotyping of the most blatant sort, and sorry, it doesn't matter whether is something hereditary or voluntary, stereotyping is stereotyping. As for all bodybuilders being knuckle draggers, I'm a lawyer, and have known physicians, engineers, etc, etc that are avid bodybuilders, yeah, I can quote Shakespeare and Wordsworth.
And for the disparaging remarks about bodybuilding itself, maturbation without release, or rampant egotism. Makes me want to puke. There is egotism in just about any pursuit you want to name, acting, pro athletics, politics, etc. Bodybuilders look in the mirror a lot because that is how they determine if their physique is responding to their training or not. You might as well call a sprinter an egomaniac for checking his stopwatch after running the 100. Bodybuilding is about sculpting the body, creating a work of art with the body as the canvas. It is an incredibly gruelling and demanding endevour, both physically and mentally.
And last but not leaset I love the guys that come in the gym with the pipe stem arms and sunken chests and tell me that they like to work out but are worried about getting "too big", I have to really work hard not to laugh as I assure them that they really don't need to worry about that as they curl away with the 15 pound dumbbells.