
by tsunami_rid3r 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    ...but love at 18 should be taken, not too seriously. What you like as to now will change in no time. See You in 5 years

  • tsunami_rid3r

    ok just drop the whole deal seriously i sound like a dork now. shes just being friendly lol. the camp was to help ease the transion to college. i got a sheets of numbers and screen names to record now and my group leaders gave the group a folder of contact information for them and other groups leaders. how do i determine whos do i put down and whos i dont put down. this is a lot of stuff.

  • prophecor

    ok just drop the whole deal seriously i sound like a dork now

    Nothing dorky about love at your age, it's usually real, it's often merely short lived, but just as powerful as anybody elses, who's been in love during adolescense.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    im not in love with this chick, maybe a small crush that i share with the other hot counselors.

  • rebel8
    rejection is nothing lol. its just like jehovahs witness door knocking.

    That's a really good way to look at it. Seriously. A lot of people I know spend years avoiding asking people out or flirting because they're so afraid of rejection. They'd rather be alone than risk rejection! I have some friends in their late '30s that are still doing the same thing and are alone. What a waste.

  • prophecor

    Crushes on some can be a rewarding experience. Although some affections might be a tad unrealistic as to your ever working out anything in a relationship, if there is, at the very least, a mutual exchange of energy, some satisfaction of sorts can be gained from it. You can get thru a crush period a lot easier than if you've totally fallen head over heels in love for someone, especially if it's that love is only onesided.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    a chick i was flirting with called me a smartass, is that good or bad?

  • ballistic
    a chick i was flirting with called me a smartass, is that good or bad?

    That's the thing, rider, chicks call you all kinds of things but it doesn't matter. When you stop worrying what chicks call you then you've made it. Of course, chicks will still call you things, then we'll worry about them and not you.

  • prophecor
    a chick i was flirting with called me a smartass, is that good or bad?

    All depends. Is there mutual flirting going on? Is she flirting with you as well, or are you imposing your energies upon her without her returning the favor? Otherwise, your flirting may border on nothing other than harassment. Flirtatious energy is reciprocal. One can not flirt in one direction only. Takes two to tango, ya' know?

  • tsunami_rid3r

    but i kinda new she was just kidding so i just said awwwww im sorry. and turst me she was flirting back too, i was her "hair dresser"

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