
by tsunami_rid3r 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Go with your gut. If ya think it meant something and you want to pursue it, go for it.

    If ya get it wrong, and get rejected, well, nothing ventured nothing gained...

    You hopefully have a looong life ahead of you. Enjoy it

    Oh, and don't worry about the seemingly condescending remarks, it's only petty jealousy. I wish I could have had my late teens, twenties, and early thirties back again...

    ...but if it is that chick ya keep harping on about...


  • tsunami_rid3r

    duuuuude i met so many girls, i came back different, seriously. i cant wait for college. but i feel like i want a relationship, ive never had how do i get one started. do i just ask her if she would like to date me? lol.

    at the camp i saw couples already forming and im thinking, wtf am i doing wrong? i was just trying to meet everyone and not stick with one person. i hung out with my cabin mates, with my friend from school(whos a girl btw), with other dudes, met other chicks, asked for dance with a few girls(no rejections) accept one, flirted majorly with 2 girls.

  • prophecor
    ...duuuuude i met so many girls, i came back different...

    From where did you come, and you're now different from what?

    i feel like i want a relationship, ive never had how do i get one started. do i just ask her if she would like to date me? lol.

    I think you need to be a little more subtle than that. Dating and relationships are not like going out and purchasing a firearm, though after being in one long enough, you may surely want to, if only for the purpose of...anyway, they take time. Unless you're enrolled in a dating service, they won't necessairlly materialize over night. The opportunity often presents itself, when we are not looking, or when we least expect it. They don't just fall into your lap, at least not usually, if it does, then that's probably not a relationship, but a 6 month, one night stand. Take your time by getting to know people, those who are your peers. Let them, overtime, come to know you, as well. The last thing I think you need to do is force yourself on people, so try to not get ahead of your desire to " be " in a relationship, so much as you might need to just kinda' let it happen. The urge to merge often, for the most part, takes on a life of its own. You need not thrust yourself upon people, but ease into scoping out someone who you like and likes you.

    As regards any dating, just hang out. Peep her interest and see what might happen. Does she like bike riding, or roller blading? Find someone who enjoys what you do, as well. The possibilities are endless. Time can be a wonderful friend to you, if you just take the time. Relax. Take it slowly. It'll figure itself out, without your having to push thru it.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i came back from my schools fish camp

  • tsunami_rid3r

    oh yeaaaa, my cabin mates gave me the coolest nickname i ever got, "hawaii", see my bags had hawaii on them because i just took a trip to there, and they thought i was from hawaii. im so taking those bags when i move into the dorms. hopefully i will be known as hawaii starting this new life of mine.

  • LittleToe
    Dating and relationships are not like going out and purchasing a firearm, though after being in one long enough, you may surely want to, if only for the purpose of...anyway, they take time.


  • tsunami_rid3r

    probably the only reason i want a girlfriend right now

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