Even if you don't believe in God, do you believe that spirits exist?

by sonnyboy 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sonnyboy

    I often wonder. How do so many people have similar experiences in "haunted" places if spirits didn't exist? How do Ouija boards work? I recently purchased one and...I now know why so many people fear them.

    I've had many experiences in my life that cannot be explained, such as record players coming on by themselves (the switch had to be manually flipped and the needle set), old toys in display cases that changed position and received inexplicable damage (it remains locked and only I have the key), ceiling fans that turn without being on (and no breeze in the house), etc.

    I know it sounds ignorant to say, "I have no way of explaining these things, therefore it must be spirits", but that's all I've got.

  • GetBusyLiving

    What happened with your Ouija board experience Sonny?


  • BrendaCloutier

    Sonny, it's these types of experiences that has made me a believer. I don't expect anyone else to believe what I have experienced, just don't knock me for it until you've had your own!

    I've also been party to other's experiences: BF experienced ghosts in a very old bar in a very old hotel, and when I walked into that room with him, I felt like I was walking into a party where there was no one I knew. The only other live person in that room was the bartender! I had been there on several different occasions, and when I'd sit at that specific table, I'd have to move, I was always uncomfortable at THAT table.

  • sonnyboy

    My brother and I tried it out last night.

    I asked if anyone was out there and nothing happened. We sat there motionless for about two minutes, waiting for a response. I then said, "Well f*ck you too" because I figured it was a bunch of BS, and the pointer started moving. It slowly spelled out, "Get the hell out of my house", and attempted to move to other letters. Right after that my brother ran to the bathroom and threw up, and I packed the board away.

    I know I wasn't moving it, and as freaked out as my brother was I don't think he was moving it either. Maybe we were subconsciously, I don't know. The hair on my arms was standing up the entire time it was moving and I felt extremely hot....maybe I just had a bad case of the creeps, but I definitely didn't feel well. I was told that someone committed suicide in my house around 11 years ago which didn't make things any easier.

  • Elsewhere

    I don't believe in any sort of "spirit realm", "heaven", or "afterlife".

    Anything that exists and can influence us can be measured. If something does exist which cannot be measured, then the question of its existence is moot because it cannot affect us.

  • Terry

    Captain Howdy is a figment only.

    Nature consists of everything that exists.

    The Universe is natural and all that actually exists in the universe is natural.


    A word such as SUPERnatural takes us BEYOND what exists. In other words: you pretend; you make it up, you imagine it.


    Because the human mind has the ability to create for itself a SIMULATION of imaginary objects and grant them existence.

    However, this is like drawing on a blackboard.

    Where the mind gets itself in trouble is when it simply decides (or loses track) of the fact (or is fooled).

    This "conditional" existence isn't genuine. But, when you lose track of that; it is JUST EXACTLY as though it is real TO YOU.

    That is a very important thing to know.

    Say hello to Harvey the invisible 6ft. rabbit for me.


  • sonnyboy

    Some say those electro magnetic devices go off in places that are supposed to be haunted. If they are detecting spirits (I'm not saying that's the case) then they could be measured.

  • Terry
    Some say those electro magnetic devices go off in places that are supposed to be haunted. If they are detecting spirits (I'm not saying that's the case) then they could be measured.

    It has ably been demonstrated those electromagnetic detectors are picking up the electric wires, outlets, light fixtures, etc that are in the walls and ceilings of ALL houses.


  • sonnyboy
    It has ably been demonstrated those electromagnetic detectors are picking up the electric wires, outlets, light fixtures, etc that are in the walls and ceilings of ALL houses.

    You must be a Penn & Teller fan.

    I saw that episode of Bullshit, but they never explained why it didn't go off in all the rooms, all of which had electrical outlets.

    Speaking of P&T, their show is extremely biased on ALL subjects covered. I just watch it to see how outrageous they can get.

  • Cygnus

    If intelligent afterlife does exist, why do the spooks always seem to be sneaking around? Why can't they just reveal themselves and communicate in an understandable and honest manner?

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