**My SSD Hearing**or What I did on my Summer Vacation

by BrendaCloutier 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    What I did for my summer vacation. By Brenda Lynn Cloutier

    I went to the Social Security Hearing chambers and saw a judge. My attorney, my doctor, their doctor, and an occupational specialist were also in the hearing room.

    I had to stand up when the judged came in. Everyone in the room was supposed to stand up when the judge came in. I don't know why the Social Security Administration's contracted doctor, an orthopedic surgeon by specialty, did not stand up when the judgec came in. He was able to walk and walked better than I was able to.

    Each person gave their testemony. Before their testemony, each person had to stand and swear that they were telling the truth. I don't know why, but the Social Security Administration's did not stand to be sworn in. He just sat there with his right hand raised.

    The Social Security Administration's doctor told my doctor, a trained rheumetologist, that he did not understand the pathology of FibroMyalgia, nor did he understand how FMS pain can be established in a patient without a pathology, or some words sort of like those. My doctor kindly explained the diagnostic procedure to their doctor, who just shook his head in disbelief. My attorney questioned why Social Security was questioning the validity of FibroMyalgia when there have been many cases that have been approved for Social Security Disability. The judge told my attorney that we were in HIS hearing room, and that they would question anything they liked.

    Blah blah blah.

    Right now I just want to cry and get really shitfaced can't-feel-a-thing drunk. But I havent had a drink in over 15 years - dammit - what a time to be clean and sober.

    Ok. Venting done. Out of my control. It's 50/50 or less, and "we" have 2 more steps if this denied: appeals and supreme court lawsuit.

    Cawed bless the government, and Social Security Administration.

  • kwintestal

    I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you Sweet Brenda!

    When will you get the judge's verdict?


  • kls

    Sorry Brenda , i thought you would have their decison right away but i guess not. We are still with ya Brenda and will get the positives going.

  • under74

    Damn, I'm sorry Brenda. My mom's going through something similiar only with L&I. I know the added stress only makes my mom's health worse. Anyway, you're in my thoughts. ((hugs))

  • Frog

    Sounds like you have a real fight on your hands Brenda babe, but it shows real strength that you've got this far. Keep pushing for it. Just cause they're ignorant doesn't make them right. Good luck, I hope so very much that they come through for you. Frog xx

  • mtbatoon

    Sorry to hear your hurting, just read up on FMS and I feel for you. You must be so annoyed having to deal with this as well as having to deal with your physical pain. Isn't it annoying how your not taken seriously unless you have a limb hanging off or something. If the U.S social is anything like the UK then you get denied the first time and have to appeal to show how serious you are, this happened to a friend of mine who has chronic fatigue syndrome and a college who's daughter has mycenia gravis, I hope your not put through the same thing.

  • not the administrator
    not the administrator

    FibroMyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are real close to the same thing isnt it?

  • prophecor

    He was probably a little miffed because he had someone who was able to deal on his level. They need to show their almighty attitude to those who can take them to task in thier own house. They like to weed out the undesireables, first. I think for you to have gotten this far is quite a significant step. I think you may have more going on in your favor then you realize.

  • damselfly

    Brenda I didn't realize that you wouldn't find out yesterday. Hang in there, I'll still be thinking good thoughts for you.


  • Sushi Crow
    Sushi Crow

    Sorry to hear about this. Glad you have a lawyer and a good doc. It can be tought getting on SSDI - I never had to go to court, but had to appeal the initial decision ( I consulted an attorney, probably the only way I got it without court). They put you thru such hell. I wish you well.

    Sushi Crow

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