What I did for my summer vacation. By Brenda Lynn Cloutier
I went to the Social Security Hearing chambers and saw a judge. My attorney, my doctor, their doctor, and an occupational specialist were also in the hearing room.
I had to stand up when the judged came in. Everyone in the room was supposed to stand up when the judge came in. I don't know why the Social Security Administration's contracted doctor, an orthopedic surgeon by specialty, did not stand up when the judgec came in. He was able to walk and walked better than I was able to.
Each person gave their testemony. Before their testemony, each person had to stand and swear that they were telling the truth. I don't know why, but the Social Security Administration's did not stand to be sworn in. He just sat there with his right hand raised.
The Social Security Administration's doctor told my doctor, a trained rheumetologist, that he did not understand the pathology of FibroMyalgia, nor did he understand how FMS pain can be established in a patient without a pathology, or some words sort of like those. My doctor kindly explained the diagnostic procedure to their doctor, who just shook his head in disbelief. My attorney questioned why Social Security was questioning the validity of FibroMyalgia when there have been many cases that have been approved for Social Security Disability. The judge told my attorney that we were in HIS hearing room, and that they would question anything they liked.
Blah blah blah.
Right now I just want to cry and get really shitfaced can't-feel-a-thing drunk. But I havent had a drink in over 15 years - dammit - what a time to be clean and sober.
Ok. Venting done. Out of my control. It's 50/50 or less, and "we" have 2 more steps if this denied: appeals and supreme court lawsuit.
Cawed bless the government, and Social Security Administration.