The WTS claims they can make mistakes, fix them, and its all good because the bible says the light gets brighter. Thats all fine and good but if thats true then why wouldnt new light appy to all other religions? How can the say that other religions are false because of what they teach? Maybe the other religions just havent gotten thier new light yet. New light only applies to us, because we are the true religion; we are the true religion, because we get new light that says we are.
New light, circular reasoning, and doctrine double standards.
by gringojj 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good point!!!!
Sara Annie
That about sums it up, yep!
How can they say that other religions are false because of what they teach? Maybe the other religions just havent gotten thier new light yet.
- Do you think the "other religions" will ever change their minds and begin to teach that there is no such thing as man having an immortal soul?
- How about the "other religions" belief that all the saved will go to heaven when they die? Do you think they'll ever get around to changing their minds and start teaching that the vast majority of people will live forever on earth & other planets throughout the material universe?
- How about the "other religions" belief that God is a "trinity"? Do you think they'll ever get around to changing their minds and start teaching that Jesus isn't God Almighty?
- Do you think the "WTBTS" will ever change their minds and begin to teach;that man *does have* an immortal soul?
- How about the "WTBTS" belief that only the 144000 will go to heaven when they die?; Do you think they'll ever get around to changing their minds and start teaching that the vast majority of people will go to heaven and not muck about the; other planets throughout the material universe?
- How about the "WTBTS" belief that God is not a "trinity"? Do you think they'll ever get around to changing their minds and start teaching that Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Jehovah all make up God Almighty?
Hey, I say anything is possible with 'new light'.
Wasanelder Once
Light is for those in the dark. New light is for those who couldn't see with the old light. Now its just about lights out for the true congregation of the Living God.
My future's so bright I need to wear shades.
Schizm the problem is that when Russell started the org. the jws didnt believe any of those things. So they have recieved new light on these subjects and so could other religions. Also I would like to add that new light allows for old new light to be reversed as new new light so how do we know that what the society is teaching as truth now wont be changed into new light at a later time? Maybe they will get new light that says everyone will be in heaven, or that the trinity is right, or something totally different. So schizm how do we know that the wts new light is the right new light?
Would somebody please explain to me the difference between OPINION and NEW LIGHT?I'm kinda fuzzy.
T. (I know New Light has the Authority of God behind it. But, I'm talking about the RESULT of opinion. You it way opinion.....based on new information. The Process is what I'm asking; what is the difference?)
Wasanelder Once
Opinion is new light that has become old light.
Yup, their logic is circular. New Light is ok because we are God's channel, we are God's channel because we have new light. And around and around we go. I've come to realize that I am actually a JW from 50 years in the future! I'm just waiting for the GB's new light to catch up to me!