Terry,Opinion is new light that has become old light.
Ohhhh! Delicious!
by gringojj 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
- Do you think the "other religions" will ever change their minds and begin to teach that there is no such thing as man having an immortal soul?
- How about the "other religions" belief that all the saved will go to heaven when they die? Do you think they'll ever get around to changing their minds and start teaching that the vast majority of people will live forever on earth & other planets throughout the material universe?
- How about the "other religions" belief that God is a "trinity"? Do you think they'll ever get around to changing their minds and start teaching that Jesus isn't God Almighty?
(selection from) Doctrines to be Rejected:
The WBTS quotes the "Tome of Damasus" and the papal encyclical of St Celestine, and says that since one contradicts the other on details that the Church must be a false prophet.
The WTBS has contradicted itself far more often than the Church of Rome in only 140 years.
Since the RCC also believes in progessive revelation of God's will, I want to know how come the RC has not flip flopped in 2000 years as often as the WBTS??
We reject the doctrine - that the devil is a supernatural being. -- http://www.christadelphia.org/reject.htm
I would have thought that after all your years as a Witness you would have known better than to use that forbidden word - opinion in the same breath as New Light. It is a bad word. Only worldly people and apostates have opinions.
No member of the Watchtower Societies hierarchy has ever had an opinion. They have provided Spiritual Food and advance New Light. They have replace stale Old Truth with New Truths. They have Channelled Gods Thoughts and acted as Prophets. opinions are the work of the Devil and as such will lead astray those who listen to opinions