Hey guys, I'm looking for tips. I have 48 hours, so how do you JW-proof your house? Mom and sister and brother-in-law are coming this weekend. I'm so excited to see them, mom hasn't been up to visit in 2 years. I'm inactive, they sort of know I don't beleive, but it's a don't-ask-don't-tell with everything else. I just noticed, thank goodness, that the display photo album on the coffee table had me and husband dressed up for halloween last year, and me as an angel! (So demonic...) So I replaced those two pictures. I've also thought of the clear storage container with the Christmas tree must be put away in a closet, surrounded by other boxes. What else am I forgetting?
Quick: How do I JW-proof the house?
by Thegoodgirl 58 Replies latest jw friends
Stick a flower in the bong and they'll never notice.
Sprinkle the blood of a young goat or a young sheep on your doorposts, then God’s people will pass you over.
Ouija board, Harry Potter books, chess board, self-help books, romance novels, heck, any books, in the kitchen - blood sausage, in the bathroom can't think of anything, lock the bedroom door...
I have to do this regularly, when my daughter visits. I make sure I hide all my "books" and clear the history on the computer
Ah, yes, the history. And books: I do have a buddist book out there, thanks! No bongs, right now, but I'll keep that idea in mind...
make sure no signs of birth control are left out to be easily discovered
Stick a flower in the bong and they'll never notice.
LMAO! I saw that pretty vase at your last party. I thought maybe Valis had been visiting.
R-rated movies
Music CDs with the warning labels
Any questionable books, ie Harry Potter, Stephen King, etc.
Porno mags and movies
If they're nosy, like some of my relatives, you'll have to lock this stuff up where it can't be found.
make sure no signs of birth control are left out to be easily discovered
You're joking right? Condoms and birth control pills are allowed if you are a JW.