Why do I put up with it? Well, the way I see it, when you have crazy parents, you take what you can get. In other words, you hang out with them in their sane moments, and avoid them in their crazy ones. Yeah, maybe--probably-- mom will stop talking to me at some point. But I'd rather keep what's left of our relationship for as long as possible. I rarely lie to her (except about the birth control pills in college), and she obviously knows I married an unbeleiver. When she brings up the JW "truth" talk, I tell her,
1. "I don't want to discuss it." Or "Well, anyway, Mom, let's change the subject."
2. "But mom, why do you say the truth will make my life so much better when if I look at so-and-so in the congregation, they're in just as bad if not worse of a situation..."
3. " I will be honest, I really don't think I will be attending the memorial this year, I don't like it that DF'd people are shunned, it makes me mad that people won't talk to my little sister, so I don't want to see those people."
So, see it's not like a total hiding of my life and thoughts. And of course she knows I don't go to meetings, etc. I just don't want to throw a christmas tree in her face, forcing the inevitible shunning to start RIGHT NOW. Ya know?