yoga class........meditation

by Mulan 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Last night I went to my first meditation class, conducted by a nice young man, teaching a yoga-type meditation. It is my first venture into meditating, and I thought I would share a couple of interesting points. I was with an old friend, who also happens to be an ex dub, but only out about a year. It was her invitation, that brought me there.

    We did two steps: grounding and centering. Grounding was cool, and I got into it easily. Centering, is going into the center of your head. As we did this, eyes closed, he was talking us through it, and said that people who are in a structured religion, or thought system, have a harder time with centering. It's like you are not allowed to go there, because in centering, you TRULY see things as they ARE and not as they are told to you, that they are. I giggled a little, because I knew that a few years ago, I not only wouldn't be there, but I would never be able to 'center'.

    It was a neat experience, and I signed up. The first class was free, to see if you liked it, and wanted to continue. I did like it, and think it will help me quite a lot.

    He said this "you are NOT your are IN your body". That was profound to me.

    Just sharing.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel


    Thanks for sharing your first class with us. I've been contemplating signing up for a yoga class, but haven't had much time. Let us know if it makes you feel more energetic and/or relaxed. I might get inspired to try it this fall.


    "Too much of a good thing, is wonderful."

    Mae West

  • TweetieBird

    I've always wanted to try yoga. We've been thinking about joining the YMCA and they offer yoga classes. Keep us posted, I'm curious to see how it goes.

    "By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero

  • think41self

    Hey Mulan,

    Yoga is one of the things I have been meaning to do for the last year. Your post has incited my interest in it again. What you said about the centering was dead on! I'm glad you enjoyed it. There are people who swear that yoga is the best form of "exercise" there is. I figure, any exercise I can do mostly sitting MY kind of exercise.


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

  • bboyneko

    In breakdancing we take many of our 'freezes' from yoga. We love Yoga :)


    Yoga flaaaaame

  • Mulan

    I know what you mean, about the interest in yoga. I saw a show on Oprah about it, and it really captured my attention.

    This class is just meditation, but he also teaches yoga exercises in another class. I may sign up for that too. I heard Madonna say she only does Yoga now, and no more grueling workouts. That's for me!!!

    Seriously, I was a bit skeptical about the meditation, but I felt energy coursing through me, to my fingertips, and then great relaxation. It was really something!! I loved it. Some of the people there were there at their doctor's suggestion to lower their blood pressure. I have no problem there, but have a lot of stress. It all seemed to be so right for me. I was very glad I went.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • SixofNine

    I'm sure the stretching can be of some benifit, Mulan, but please, be careful with the meditation. You could easily make a place for the demons by letting your brain go blank. Your teacher's comment about "seeing things as they really ARE" sounds so much like Satans first recorded words to our original parents, Adam & Steve.

    I'll prey on you.

  • Princess

    I'm so glad you liked it! It sounds like something that could be very beneficial for you right now with your cousin, and in the future too of course.


  • Mulan

    Okay, Six. I will assume you are kidding. If not, you have a long way to go.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Andee

    Hi Mulan,

    I have always been into working out and exercise. However, now that I am pushing 40, I just can't workout as often(6 days as opposed to 4 now)as I used to. I was always curious and finally decided to give Yoga a try. So far, I really like it. I was originally attracted to it because of the physical-ness of it.

    I have found that I also have difficulty with centering and concentrating on my breathing. My mind always seems to be racing from one thought to another. The instructors tell me that I will get better with practice.

    I plan on continuing with it. I feel like I am doing something on the days I don't workout and I feel so relaxed and energized afterwards.

    BTW I really like what your instructor said about being IN your body.

    Keep us posted!


    "head in the clouds with feet firmly planted on the ground"

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