Monomaniacal Ex-JWs?

by dunsscot 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • dunsscot


    :Others on this Board also have ideas to offer which can help those who have honestly come to the conclusion they no longer believe in god to find a purpose to their life. For example, I have briefly outlined the philosophy of social ecology in a previous post. Many others have also described the beliefs which have given their lives purpose, without a need for god. The idea that without god there is no morality or purpose to life, and we are doomed to lives of hedonic utility is, IMHO, just plain silly Duns. This is worth further discussion, if you are up to it.:

    I think that for most people, the absence of God does mean no overarching existential purpose or absolute (material) values. But admittedly, there are certain humans who live somewhat moral lives without rendering latreia to a god of any kind. Some philosophers have worked out extensive ethical and purpose-creating systems without including God in their ethical formulations. So I am not totally disagreeing with your claim. I will also add that I did not say that those without God are doomed to a life of hedonic utility. I had certain examples in mind when I articulated those words.

    I guess Duns just thinks that anthropocentric ethical systems are inherently problematic for a number of reasons. Creating one's own life purpose, devising one's personal system of mores and trying to guide one's own step might be a little problematic. I tried it before I became a Witness. And Duns does not want to return to his former way of life. 'The time that has passed by is sufficient . . .'

    Duns the Scot

  • Moridin

    For the first two years after finally leaving the org, the biggest cosumption for me was exposing the Watchtower and trying to help as many people out as I could. It consumed me to the point that it was burning me out. My wife and child hardly ever saw me so I finally backed off. I haven't really done a whole lot with it and now I'm really just here for those who've just left and need the support and help in the transition period which has really proved to be a blessing. I've met many wonderful people over the course of the last year.

  • outcast

    We are all very proud of Duns for keeping his Websters dictionary and using a new word every day. When you are grown you will know alot of words.

    The new word for the day Duns is dorsad.

  • dunsscot

    :Hang on! Someth'n's not right here - Bro Dun Scott posts faining dismissattude at those shedding light into the Watchtowers deep dark dungeon yet he sings the praises of some money mad capitalist prick promoting 'success' as something to be bought and traded about like a pigs belly.:

    Origen of Alexandria remarked that just as a drunkard can acquire a thorn in his hand by mistake, so a fool is able to stumble upon the truth from time to time. We both know that he was quoting from Proverbs when he made this observation and, I happen to think he was right.

    I am not calling Covey a fool. But Duns does think that despite Covey's shortcomings in certain areas, the man has a lot of wisdom to impart. Duns can read Covey critically and effectively separate the wheat from the chaff. Ergo, your suspicions are not well-founded, uncle.

    Duns the Scot

  • dunsscot

    :Englishman, Please cover your eyes.

    FUCK OFF!!!!!!!:

    You need to work on your grammar, buddy. You capitalized the word "please" for no good reason. Then you misspelled my name. Its one 't' (not two).

    Lastly, are you trying to limit my free speech on this board by telling me the foregoing? Do you have to be so obscene?


    Duns the Scot

  • outcast

    I always thought ass was spelled with two s's.

    Gramer? I was raised a witness, Enuf sed.

  • dunsscot

    :We are all very proud of Duns for keeping his Websters dictionary and using a new word every day. When you are grown you will know alot of words.
    The new word for the day Duns is dorsad.:

    I thought the word of the day was mereological.

    Duns the Scot

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    I did not advocate an anthropocentric ethic, moral relativism, or simply arbitrarily devising one’s own life purpose or philosophy, did I? The ecology of freedom, or social ecology, is based on the scientific method. It looks for meaning and order in the natural world, of which humanity is very much a part, and always has been. Social ecology properly stresses the unique place of the human species in the planetary eco-system - it is irrational to simply assume that humans are not as much a part of nature as every other natural thing. The ecology of freedom is grounded in evolutionary theory and critiques the destructive effects of the artificial development of hierarchies in human society. By creating hierarchies, the evolution of human society has become radically out of synch with nature, and humanity has suffered as a result. According to social ecology, the idea that our fellow humans, or the natural world, can “belong” to certain classes of people, and therefore can be exploited by them, is a gross perversion of the non-hierarchical unity in diversity found in nature. In other words, it is contrary to nature, of which we humans are a part, and therefore, not surprisingly, gives rise to all sorts of societal and personal dysfunction. It is not difficult to see how an ethic emerges from this analysis. If we want to be fully functioning, healthy beings, in the way nature intended us to be, we must strive towards a free, non-hierarchical society, in harmony with nature. I find that this is a good starting point for an ethical system which is both rational and very functional and personally fulfilling.

    I’m off to bed now. I have a job.

  • AlanF

    To dunsscot:

    : ... But I think I recall Covey talking about the unhealthy habit of becoming overly engrossed in one activity or pursuit.

    Kind of like becoming a Jee-Hoover Witness, eh?

    : It seems that there are individuals using this medium of communication whose life's aim is to "help" JWs out of the "borg" or 'bring down the Tower.'

    That is true.

    : If it tricks your trigger, I guess there is nothing anyone can do to prevent you from "helping" JWs out of the "borg."

    Freedom of religion and all that, eh?

    : But I wonder if some here have not become monomaniacal in their deconstructive methodology.

    Kind of like the Jee-Hoover Witnesses, eh?

    : They just cannot seem to let JWs enjoy freedom of worship.

    Kind of like Jee-Hoover Witnesses don't let anyone else enjoy freedom of worship, eh?

    : They must interfere in the religious life of JWs.

    Kind of like Jee-Hoover Witnesses interfere in the religious lives of others, eh?

    : Yet what do they have to offer in return?

    Freedom from being in a cult, for starters. Freedom to think for oneself, too. Ah, blessed freedom!

    : Nothing, except believe what you want to or drink yourself half silly everyday and conduct a life governed by hedonic utility that is devoid of God.

    How sad that that's all you've learned from your time on this board. The fact is that ex-JWs on this forum are as varied in their styles of life as any other non-JWs are. Very few are advocating any particular life style. The fact that many tell about their life styles, or comment on various life styles, is in no way advocating such.

    : Furthermore, maybe some of you here have convinced yourself that the Bible is false, God does not exist,

    Those are things that cannot be proved or disproved absolutely.

    What's your point?

    : and Jehovah's Witnesses are not God's people.

    That's a fact that has been proved in hundreds of different ways. For example, JWs unscripturally use excommunication and shunning as a weapon. They often use it against people whose only offense is to disagree with JWs, sometimes even on minor issues. An organization that has misused its power like this for some 70 years, over and over and over again, is detestable to God, according to Scriptures you know very well.

    : But I think that if I ever left JWs, I would put faith in Acts 5:35-39.

    Here you've stepped through thin ice. It has been proved beyond doubt that JWs are not "of God". Assuming God exists and acts on mankind's behalf, how do you think he acts? The Bible indicates that it's through various people. False religious organizations are exposed through the actions of people. Do you object to that? If so, then you can stop preaching the JW message right now.

    Let's give a concrete example. Suppose you had been raised since birth in a Christian sect that practices free sex with children (don't bother arguing that such a sect isn't really Christian; you'd be missing the point). Suddenly you realize that this practice is wrong, and you get out. You realize that your religious leaders have been practicing pedophilia for years. What will you do? Leave them to God? Or do everything in your power to expose them and stop the molestation?

    : History has certainly borne out the truthfulness of this passage.


    : Any work that is the result of man will fail, plain and simple: It will be exposed as a work of man.

    That is a truth so self-evident that it doesn't need to be said. However, some organizations are extremely long-lived. How do you know which ones today, new or old, are purely the "work of man"? Longevity and existence are not indicators, as the Watchtower Society correctly teaches.

    : But if God is the author of the said work, you will not be able to overthrow it, but will in fact be found fighters against God.

    Fine in principle; impossible to test in practice. If you disagree, then devise a test.

    And again, you as a JW today may already be in this position with respect to any number of other organizations. Can you prove with certainty, for example, that United Bible Societies is not "of God"?

    : But I end with my original question. Are some ex-JWs monomaniacal?

    Monomania implies either mental illness or excessive focus. Some ex-JWs therefore, are certainly monomaniacal, just as some of all people are. Most on this board are simply focused. You have a problem with that? Are you prepared to define "excessive focus" or "mental illness"? If you try, watch out that your definitions don't point straight back at you and your friends.

    : I sure know that my buddy Dave is not.

    No, he's just maniacal.


  • outcast

    I never implied Duns didn't exsist.

    I just told him to, FUCK OFF, Please.

    edited fer spelin'
    Witnes growed up...spulled wrong..

    (window washer class)

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