I have always had one "motto" that I have stuck by for as long as I can recall........to treat others as they have treated me.
On a discussion board we can and do get into things that may get heated at times, but most of us can usually agree to disagree and be done with it, dignity and feelings intact.
Some folks have done some "bad" things and have dealt with them or in the process of doing so. What they may or may not have done has no direct affect on me, and we ALL have done stupid and sensless things at one time or another, haven't we?Again, I most often tend to treat others as they have treated me. They have done no harm to me, and I react accordingly. That's just me.
I don't understand those who come in like a runaway freight train and hurl insults at people and have their own agenda to take up with certain posters. I just don't "get it" because it serves nothing but what bullies they are on this playground.
So, what IS it that makes us "see" others in one way and makes us react in either a sense of lending a hand in friendship.....or of "let's kick'em when they're already down" mentality?
I would appreciate any input that anyone would like to offer on this.